WNYPC Annual Membership Meeting
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom - register at bit.ly/wnypeace_mtg2021. Join the WNY Peace Center for our 2021 Annual Meeting to reflect on accomplishments of the past year and discuss the work ahead, including the coordinating board election (member-only vote; join at bit.ly/wnypeace_join).
Riverside Salem: Discussion re Policing
On zoom. Join RS for a discussion about policing. Below are a few articles on the history of policing and some conclusions about how we got where we are. Feel free to bring your own knowledge of the subject to the discussion. Everyone is welcome. https://www.insider.com/history-of-police-in-the-us-photos-2020-6 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/long-painful-history-police-brutality-in-the-us-180964098/-- Cathy Rieley-Goddard (she/her) is inviting you to a […]
60th Anniversary: Cuba’s Successful Literacy Campaign!
Online webinar. The Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade Celebrates! REGISTER ONLINE AT: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Flk9h6PISY2lc3EJ9qZcdA April 2021 marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban literacy campaign, which eradicated illiteracy on the island in just 8 months. This impressive accomplishment was carried out by the massive mobilization of 308,000 volunteers, many of them students and young women, who […]
Talking Peace – WNYPC Thru the Years.
Livestreaming on Facebook (Here , also on Think Twice Radio facebook page). With Wayne Alt, a initial/founding member of WNYPC, and longstanding volunteer; Maxine Insera, WNYPC and Latin American Solidarity Committee volunteer; Deidra EmEl, currently Office Mgr/Coordinator of WNYPC and incoming WNYPC Executive Director; and Vicki Ross, current WNYPC Executive Director {til June 1}, and […]
Talking Peace – Honor Mother Earth/#StopLine3
Livestreaming on Facebook (Here , also on Think Twice Radio facebook page). With Lor Seneca of and with Onondawa'ka Water Protectors; Nate Buckley, of Nekanehsakt, and For the Love of Trees; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director, and Interfaith Peace Network Consultant. what is Honor the Earth and what is their Mother's Day event? why […]
Deconstructing the Idolatry of White Supremacy
On zoom or in person, with masks and physical distancing. Deconstructing the Idolatry of White Supremacy: Embracing a Trinitarian Identity as Solidarity With Others, with SimonMary A. Aihiokhai, Ph.D. Register in Advance Grounding our identity in the Trinitarian vision allows us to see ourselves as a creatures radically defined by webs or relationships. This talk […]
PeaceJam – Ending Racism & Hate (Youth Presentation)
Hybrid event: gathering of the PeaceJam Group in person (for the group at 4pm - call 716-931-3520); and sharing a Presentation of the PeaceJam Buffalo group of children and youth on a Facebook Livestream (5pm). Their Global Call to Action project will explore the theme of Ending Racism and Hate, through poems, essays, and art, […]
Fifteenth Annual “The Tent of Abraham
At Muslim Community Center (Islamic Center) 745 HeimRoad, Amherst; with masks and physical distancing. Celebrate an evening of friendship and conversation of our shared values as we “break the fast” together. In keeping with MPAC tradition, non-perishable food items and cash donations (matched by MPAC) will be collected for distribution to the needy in our […]
Know Your Rights’ Cookout
At MLK Park in Shelters 6, 7, and 8, at Best & Sweeney Sts, Buffalo. Open Buffalo's Community Restoration Project is celebrating that, on the morning of March 31, 2021, through the continued efforts of Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes, Senator Elizabeth Kruger, and hundreds of advocates for equitable justice, the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act […]
BanKillerDrones Campaign Launch (Webinar)
This event will launch of BanKillerDrones, a new campaign for an international treaty to ban weaponized drones and military and police drone surveillance. This comes at the moment when the Biden Administration is reportedly looking to increase U.S. drone killing and drone surveillance as key to retaining some level of colonial control in Afghanistan, under […]
Riverside Salem: US vs. Billie Holiday (screening)
On zoom. Screening and brief discussion of the film The United States Vs. Billie Holiday. It is a long film so we will start by showing by 4:10. Everyone is welcome. Cathy Rieley-Goddard (she/her) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Riverside Salem Weekly Gathering Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime […]