Blooming into the New Moon: Purposeful Journaling to Reflect & Manifest

Zoom Meeting NY

On Zoom - register here. Join this dynamic and reflective community of women of color as we reflect on the past year and intentionally set goals for the upcoming months. Featuring interactive dialogue, raffles, and community space that uplifts the BIPOC voice.   Presented by SoLoveSoul and Mahogany Pen Publishing. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU […]

Parole Justice for Faith & Redemption Advocacy

On zoom. We invite you to join with us and others involved in the RAPP (Release our Aging People in Prison - including Citizen Action) at the Parole Justice for Faith and Redemption advocacy day. We will be meeting with some Buffalo area legislators, and it will be important to have Buffalo area constituents on […]

Citizens for Regional Transit Public Meeting

On Zoom. Link to be provided by; The Case for Transit:For Equity, Economic Growth --- and the Planet! Speaker: Douglas Funke, President of Citizens for Regional Transit. Panelists (invited): Thomas George, PE, NFTA Director of Public Transit; Hal Morse, PMP, Executive Director of the Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC) As we await […]

The People vs. Liberty Mutual – Voices from the Frontline

Webinar. Last week thousands flooded Liberty Mutual’s email holding Liberty accountable for its role in backing fossil fuel megaprojects like the Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline and a massive new coal mine in advance of the insurance giant’s annual meeting and you delivered powerfully. Next week, we’ll find out if Liberty will even acknowledge […]

E District Police Meeting

On zoom. Number to ask for zoom link "for block club leaders" ? - 716-851-5165....  Also being streamed on Facebook live at Chief Carmen Menza will discuss community concerns.

WNY Refugee Film Festival: Unsettled

Zoom Meeting NY

On Zoom - register here. As Journey’s End proudly resettles LGBT refugees, we are delighted to screen this extraordinary feature-length documentary highlighting the poignant stories of LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S. Unsettled follows four new arrivals, each of whom have escaped escaped persecution and even death in their native countries for being […]

Media Madness: Providing Youth Alternatives to Violence

Zoom Meeting NY

On Zoom and Facebook Live. Free - donations accepted. The program will focus on ways a community can address a major problem of our time: the impact of violence in the media on our youth. Featured presenter Rev. Frederick A. Gelsey, Sr. will share his belief that homicide is a learned behavior influenced by violent […]


“Where There Once Was Water” – screening w/RS

via Zoom. In anticipation of Earth Day, Riverside Salem will host the watching of a film  from the global Freshwaters Summit and Virtual Film Festival: Where There Once Was Water -- This is a story about water. A song for the sacred in all of us. A documentary centered on solutions. This is a look at […]

Vigil for Mr. Ramiro Felix Gonzales (Texas Death Penalty victim)

On zoom: For more information, contact: How the sessions will run: 1:00 p.m.  -- A few minutes before the silent vigil, please get comfortably seated, connect to Zoom, and mute your microphone. 1:05 p.m. When the bell rings, the silent vigil (25 minutes in length) will begin. It will be a silent meditation […]

Nekanehsakt Meeting

On zoom. We will have updates on Line 3 and people heading out there for a May 9th paddle event, Canawagus and Stamp plant and more. Thank you all hope to see you zooming :)! OUR ZOOM MEETING for TUESDAY APRIL 20TH at 630 pm- Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 5047 8013 Passcode: […]

March for George Floyd

At Niagara Square, Buffalo, with masks and physical distancing. No matter the verdict, we still have so much work to do!! With special guest Cariol Horne. Organized by Allies for Black Justice. See you there!!

Talking Peace w/the WNYPC – Just Transition Challenges

On WNYPC and Think Twice Radio Facebook Livestreams. An Earth Day Special. With Paul Winnie, Seneca (Tonawanda); Keilka Salabury, Community Activist; Ellen Banks, Niagara Sierra Club Executive Committee Member and Atlantic Chapter Delegate; Agnes Williams, Seneca (Cattaraugus), Indigenous Women's Initiatives; and host Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director, and Interfaith Peace Network Peaceful Conflict Resolution Consultant. […]