PeaceJam – Ending Racism & Hate (Youth Presentation)

Hybrid event: gathering of the PeaceJam Group in person (for the group at 4pm - call 716-931-3520); and sharing a Presentation of the PeaceJam Buffalo group of children and youth on a Facebook Livestream (5pm). Their Global Call to Action project will explore the theme of Ending Racism and Hate, through poems, essays, and art, […]

Fifteenth Annual “The Tent of Abraham

At Muslim Community Center (Islamic Center) 745 HeimRoad, Amherst; with masks and physical distancing. Celebrate an evening of friendship and conversation of our shared values as we “break the fast” together. In keeping with MPAC tradition, non-perishable food items and cash donations (matched by MPAC) will be collected for distribution to the needy in our […]

Know Your Rights’ Cookout

At MLK Park in Shelters 6, 7, and 8, at Best & Sweeney Sts, Buffalo. Open Buffalo's Community Restoration Project is celebrating that, on the morning of March 31, 2021, through the continued efforts of Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes, Senator Elizabeth Kruger, and hundreds of advocates for equitable justice, the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act […]

BanKillerDrones Campaign Launch (Webinar)

This event will launch of BanKillerDrones, a new campaign for an international treaty to ban weaponized drones and military and police drone surveillance. This comes at the moment when the Biden Administration is reportedly looking to increase U.S. drone killing and drone surveillance as key to retaining some level of colonial control in Afghanistan, under […]

Riverside Salem: US vs. Billie Holiday (screening)

On zoom. Screening and brief discussion of the film The United States Vs. Billie Holiday. It is a long film so we will start by showing by 4:10. Everyone is welcome. Cathy Rieley-Goddard (she/her) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Riverside Salem Weekly Gathering Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime […]

Divest from the War Machine: Follow the $$$

On zoom. Tuesday Capitol Calling Party: Special guest co-hosts Danaka Katovich and Olivia Hamer of the CODEPINK Peace Collective. The Peace Collective is CODEPINK's youth division, made up of people under the age of 30 who come together for anti-imperialist education in the form of book clubs and discussions.  RSVP NOW! Featured Speakers:  Carley Towne is CODEPINK’s […]

Onondawaga Protectors Fundraiser

In person at 1299 West Ave (crner w/Bird), Buffalo. Spaghetti Meatballs, and Chinese Auction: $12/adult plate; $8/sr & kids. Includes spaghetti, salad, and desert. Noon to 6pm or sold out. Please call 716-816-5338 to place your order. Items for auction/donations include ribbon skirts (three of them, made by Lor Seneca), artwork, etc. The raffle will […]

Cuba: Confronting COVID & the US Blockade (IFCO/P4P)

On zoom. Join LASC, ROCLA, and more for Pastors for Peace: End Sanctions on Cuba, NOW! Preregistration will be required to join the event. A link to more info and "register button" at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. On Cuba’s successes in fighting COVID at […]

Demythologizing the Work of Freedom

On Zoom. Demythologizing the Work of Freedom: Reimagining our Vision of Theological Praxis By: Danjuma G. Gibson, Ph.D.   Organized by Niagara University's Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equity, and Mission. Register in Advance This talk invites participants to demythologize the lives and work of various 19th and 20th century freedom fighters and revolutionary […]

Clean School Buses in the Buffalo NY Region

Webinar on zoom. Panel organized by New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund & Sierra Club (May is Asthma Awareness Month!) RSVP at Event Speakers: Assemblymember Karen McMahon, NY Assembly District 146 Senator Sean M. Ryan, NY Senate District 60 Senator Timothy M. Kennedy, NY Senate District 63 Caroline Hahn, NYLCVEF Ben Mandel, […]

The ICBM Act to stop the Money Pit Missile

On zoom. Please join staff from Senator Ed Markey’s (D-MA) and Representative Ro Khanna’s (D-CA) offices for a briefing and strategy discussion on their ICBM Act (Investing in Cures Before Missiles!) to stop the Money Pit Missile and invest in Covid relief instead. With Blake Narendra, Sen. Ed Markey’s foreign policy Legislative Assistant and Geo […]