Feminist Solidarity (esp Featuring Cuban Women)
Feminist Solidarity, Advancement of Cuban Women In Solidarity, Organizing Committee, International Conference for the Normalization of US-Cuba Relations us-cubanormalization.org Saving Lives Campaign US-CANADA-CUBA Cooperation savinglivescampaign.org New York-New Jersey Cuba Sí Coalition... Read more us4.campaign-archive.com Register Here For ZOOM Technical Support Click Here In Solidarity, Organizing Committee, International Conference for the Normalization of US-Cuba Relations us-cubanormalization.org Saving […]
Riverside Salem Movie Screening/Conversation
On zoom. Join in for connection, conversation, and inspiration with Riverside Salem - this week screening "Judas and the Black Messiah." Link below. All are welcome. Topic: Riverside Salem Weekly Gathering Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3639440486?pwd=Wnk2TVlQRWlZRXEyVW9zeklNaXNJZz09 Meeting ID: 363 944 0486 Passcode: 756084 One tap mobile +16468769923,,3639440486#,,,,*756084# US (New York) +13017158592,,3639440486#,,,,*756084# US (Washington DC) Dial by […]
“Own the Change: Building Economic Democracy” Film Screening & Discussion
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom - register here. Join Cooperation Buffalo for a Film Screening and Discussion of "Own the Change: Building Economic Democracy"! Created by The Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA) in collaboration with The Laura Flanders Show, "Own the Change" is a short documentary that gives us a guide to starting worker co-ops. It […]
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom – register here. WHO: youth ages 8+ WHERE: on Zoom WHEN: 4 to 5 PM on Thursdays, Feb 25th through Apr 29th WHAT: “Inspiration, Education, and Action” includes a Global Call to Action service-learning project learning goals: solidarity, social justice, peaceful conflict resolution, integrity, lives of the Laureates, and more activities: mindfulness, deep […]
The Doomsday Machine with Daniel Ellsberg
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom - register here. Join Massachussetts Peace Action for a conversation with Daniel Ellsberg about his book, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. “The father of American whistle-blowing”, as Edward Snowden calls him, Daniel Ellsberg has served as consultant to the White House, and has drafted U.S. plans for nuclear war. […]
IRJ film screening: Minari
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom (Meeting ID: 850 5581 8012 Passcode: 475716). Join the Immigrant and Refugee Justice (IRJ/"urge"), a task force of the WNY Peace Center, for a special screening of this Golden Globe-awarded film written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung; starring Steven Yeun, Yeri Han, Alan Kim, Noel Kate Cho, Scott Haze, with Yuh-Jung Youn and […]
“Care Not Cages!” Supply Drive
Niagara Square Delaware Ave and Court St, Buffalo , NY, United StatesNiagara Square, Buffalo. Join Justice for Migrant Families and Rochester Rapid Response to show the power of care not cages. They will be hosting a supply drive (see current needs below). Show up, bring a current needs item, a mask , and a friend! JFMF & RRRN are advocating alongside Abolish ICE NY-NJ who will […]
March for Awareness of High Crime Rate Against Asian Americans
Bidwell & Elmwood Buffalo, NYMeet at the corner of Bidwell and Elmwood to march to City Hall (sidewalk only and COVID compliant: masks and physically distanced). Violent crime towards Asian Americans and Asian immigrants has risen 1,900% in the past year. Join us in standing in solidarity with the diverse Asian community. 1. Make a sign and post […]
Nowruz / Global Days of Listening
OnlineThe Afghan Peace Volunteers invite everyone to say #Enough!"We’ll build a critical mass of nonviolent relationships for a green and equal world without war." APVs Sunday, March 21, 2021 Time: 7:30 - 9:30 am (Eastern time), and 4:00 - 6:00 pm in Kabul (Afghanistan time). SEE SCHEDULE FOR YOUR TIME ZONE HERE: The livestream page has the recordings of previous conversations. Global Days […]
Buffalo 5 – Motion to Vacate [Bogus] Indictment
In person w/masks and physical distancing (only 10 spectators allowed), the Buffalo 5 head back to NYS Supreme Court (25 Delaware Avenue/92 Franklin Street) in downtown Buffalo, for continuation of the Proceeding determining their Motion to Vacate Erie County Indictment 41-413. Due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, only a total of 10 individuals from amongst […]
Water Is Life: Connecting Indigenous Resistance to US Extractivism & Militarization
Remote. (At 6:30- 8pm EST; 5:30-7pm CT) for an event titled Nibi gaa-bimaaji'iwemagak, Mni Wiconi, Agua es Vida, Water is Life: Connecting Indigenous Resistance to US Extractivism and Militarization featuring two frontline Indigenous leaders protecting the sacred land, water and way of life. Bertha Zúñiga Cáceres is the general coordinator of the Council of Popular […]
Our City’s State of OUR CITY
On Facebook Live - see invite below. This event is an annual rebuttal to the mayor's State of the City address. It flips the script and instead of centering the mayor and his (faux) accomplishments, it centers the most directly impacted, organizers, and activists who are working on the intersectional policy platform that you can […]