“Creation Care and Climate Justice: One Year Later” – Rev Dr Jim Antal
On Zoom. The Westminster Youth Ministry and the Rev. Dr. Jim Antal invite you to participate a virtual gathering, "Creation Care and Climate Justice: One Year Later.” Last February 29th many locals participated in “2020 Vision: Climate Leap Forward” where Rev. Antal called our faith community to action in the quest for Climate Justice. Please […]
LASC/ROCLA: Update on Chiapas (Mexico) & the Zapatistas’ Continuing Struggles
On zoom at 7pm Wednesday March 3. Bill Jungels and Tom Potts reporting on Chiapas, COVID, dental projects, and autonomous communities there (originally set for Jan.6, but we had to reschedule when that day turned out a mess). 7 PM, Wednesday March 3, 2021. “Update on Chiapas and the Zapitista’s Continuing Struggles” No need to register […]
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom – register here. WHO: youth ages 8+ WHERE: on Zoom WHEN: 4 to 5 PM on Thursdays, Feb 25th through Apr 29th WHAT: “Inspiration, Education, and Action” includes a Global Call to Action service-learning project learning goals: solidarity, social justice, peaceful conflict resolution, integrity, lives of the Laureates, and more activities: mindfulness, deep […]
Peace & Social Justice Poetry Night
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom (Meeting ID: 819 9276 6377 and Passcode: PeacePoets) Featuring Joe Chamberlain & Chuck Culhane, Buffalo's Poet Laureates. Joe & Chuck have been writing and reading poetry most of their lives. Joe has spoken about the Vietnam War and received huge applause. Chuck edited a widely read book on poetry at the start of […]
Great Lakes Indigenous Farming/Hemp Conference
On zoom. We're glad to announce The 18th Annual Great Lakes Indigenous Farming Conference & 4th Annual Indigenous Hemp Conference will be March 5th-7th, 2021. We're combining forces and going VIRTUAL!!!! This year we have decided to combine conferences to make it even more convenient for our attendees. This 3-day conference is jam packed with […]
Gender Justice Taskforce Meeting
On zoom. Please join us to talk about the upcoming Ain't I A Woman? Rally on March 8, International Women's Day; the Circle quilt and materials project(s); the Women's March and more. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82140346279?pwd=ZW1JU3BDK0QzZUNzT3c3TlRCVVdPUT09 Meeting ID: 821 4034 6279 Passcode: 212619 One tap mobile +16465588656,,82140346279#,,,,*212619# US (New York) +13126266799,,82140346279#,,,,*212619# US (Chicago) Dial by […]
Save the Date – Addressing Religious Nationalism
Organized by the Union of Black Episcopalians. More to follow
Ain’t I a Woman? Campaign
Zoom Meeting NYThis International Working Women's Day, celebrate with the Ain't I A Woman?! Campaign by taking up the demand to end the 24-hour workday! There will be an in-person, socially-distant rally in NYC in front of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Here in Western New York, we will enjoy a live virtual watch party of the NYC […]
Parole Justice Rally
On zoom (and in person with masks and physical distancing in Bedford Hills NY, outside the Women's Prison). Our friend and ally, Donna Robinson, Lead Organizer for RAPP (Release Aging People from Prison) rallies outside of Bedford Hills prison, join here http://bit.ly/BedfordRally309
Re-thinking “National Security”
On zoom. At 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Presentation by Glen Anderson, with plenty of time for questions/answers and discussion. Free. To register: https://ubiverse.org/events/humanity-rising-day-201?utm_source=bigdash_digest_email&utm_medium=email (The event will be also recorded). Politicians keep promising to increase our “national security.” Actually, the “national security” slogan is simplistic, limited, and deceptive. Usually, it is a glib euphemism for a […]
JFMF Green Light training
Zoom Meeting NYRegister here. Justice for Migrant Families will host a virtual volunteer training to share information about the NYS Green Light Law. After the training, volunteers should feel equipped to help folks with the process of applying for a license and to provide accompaniment to the DMV. The NYS Green Light Law, enacted June 17, 2019, […]
Talking Peace (2 shows): Transformative Justice; Foreign Policy
Livestreaming on WNYPC's facebook page (also Think Twice Radio, and more): ~7:15pm for <1hr: Transformative Justice in our Communities (with Dr. Anthony Nocella II, intersectional social justice scholar, and Assistant Professor of criminology; Alisha Page, Food Justice and Finance Director for Save The Kids; Dina Thompson, Executive Director and founding member of Erie County Restorative […]