The Senate Impeachment Trial & the Need to Refuse Fascism

Streaming on Youtube, Facebook & Twitter >> please rsvp & share >> set a reminder 8:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm PST Eric Seitz, defense attorney, lecturer in Constitutional Law, University of Hawai'i Jared Yates Sexton, professor, writer, political analyst Paul Street, historian & journalist; author, The Hollow Resistance: Obama, Trump, and Politics of Appeasement. […]

We Are Our Own Liberators book study w/author Jalil Muntaqim

Beginning of Zoom series of six classes with Jalil Muntaqim. In this educational series, Jalil Muntaqim will cover his book, We Are Our Own Liberators, in six parts. Jalil will lead each class, on either Tuesdays or Thursdays, via zoom. Please sign up for the day of the week you wish to participate in the […]

Book Discussion: Waking Up White (prep for 2/24 mtg w/author)

On zoom. Rev. Bruce and Phoebe McKay are hosting a Zoom discussion about "Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race" by Debby Irving, a book to help white people to intentionally reflect on our white privilege as Americans and to act boldly in dismantling white supremacy. This session is meant to […]

Interfaith Virtual Advocacy Day

Please join us for a #HALTsolitary  Interfaith Virtual Advocacy Day on Feb. 11. We plan to have a day full of virtual meetings with legislators and other actions. Please sign up to participate here:

Housing Solutions Townhall

On zoom. The Housing Solutions Town Hall will provide a virtual space for residents of NY to hear and share stories about the impacts of lead exposure and get involved in a new statewide campaign to end lead poisoning, review Good Cause legislation and what the passage could mean to NYS, and the need for […]

We Are Our Own Liberators book study w/author Jalil Muntaqim

Beginning of Zoom series of six classes with Jalil Muntaqim. In this educational series, Jalil Muntaqim will cover his book, We Are Our Own Liberators, in six parts. Jalil will lead each class, on either Tuesdays or Thursdays, via zoom. Please sign up for the day of the week you wish to participate in the […]

World Refugee Day Panel on COVID-19

Zoom Meeting NY

On Facebook Live. This will be a space for everyone, especially refugee and resettlement communities, to learn more about the COVID-19 pandemic. You can send your questions about COVID-19 by email to or message on Facebook.   Featured speakers: Myron Glick, MD; Anyango Kamina, PhD; Alan Lesse, MD; Timothy F. Murphy, MD; Sourav Sengupta, […]

Valentine’s Day “Love” at Hancock Field, Syracuse (Drone Ops Ctr)

In person in Syracuse. Please join in the Valentine’s Day “Love” event at Hancock Field, just outside Syracuse, NY, when drone operators of the 174th (drone) Attack Wing will be called on to consider that love is the path to peace and to stop drone killing. (The event may possibly be  livestreamed on the WNY […]

Moral Monday Faith Convening – NYS

On Zoom. The Labor-Religion Coalition and the NYS Poor People's Campaign are co-hosting a New York State Moral Monday Faith Convening - a day-long virtual gathering to to build community and reflect on our role as people of faith in the movement to end systemic racism, poverty, militarism and ecological devastation. This event is free […]

Mariposa & the Saint (performance video screening)

On zoom.  Mariposa & the Saint is a superb play, mostly consisting of letters written by a woman (“Mariposa”) in solitary in a California prison to Julia Steele Allen, a performance artist.  When our local chapter of CAIC (Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement) presented the play live in Buffalo a few years ago, it […]

POSTPONED!! (due to snow) Buffalo 5 Court/Rally Support

POSTPONED. Re-Schedule TBD.    At Part One Ceremonial Court, 94 Franklin St./25Delaware Ave (same bldg in downtown Buffalo). Only 10 people will be admitted to the gallery; others can be in front of the building with signs. All will need to wear masks and be physically distant, in either case. Come support the Buffalo 5, fight […]

Community SpeakOut

On Zoom. Please join Open Buffalo for a launch event, ‘Dinner and Conversations’- a community speakout to discuss: War on Drugs Legalization A ‘Clean Slate’ for those who are returning citizens Fair tax policy We are encouraging the community to bring their dinner (or a snack) and spend some time talking and listening while we […]