Moral Monday Faith Convening – NYS

On Zoom. The Labor-Religion Coalition and the NYS Poor People's Campaign are co-hosting a New York State Moral Monday Faith Convening - a day-long virtual gathering to to build community and reflect on our role as people of faith in the movement to end systemic racism, poverty, militarism and ecological devastation. This event is free […]

Mariposa & the Saint (performance video screening)

On zoom.  Mariposa & the Saint is a superb play, mostly consisting of letters written by a woman (“Mariposa”) in solitary in a California prison to Julia Steele Allen, a performance artist.  When our local chapter of CAIC (Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement) presented the play live in Buffalo a few years ago, it […]

POSTPONED!! (due to snow) Buffalo 5 Court/Rally Support

POSTPONED. Re-Schedule TBD.    At Part One Ceremonial Court, 94 Franklin St./25Delaware Ave (same bldg in downtown Buffalo). Only 10 people will be admitted to the gallery; others can be in front of the building with signs. All will need to wear masks and be physically distant, in either case. Come support the Buffalo 5, fight […]

Community SpeakOut

On Zoom. Please join Open Buffalo for a launch event, ‘Dinner and Conversations’- a community speakout to discuss: War on Drugs Legalization A ‘Clean Slate’ for those who are returning citizens Fair tax policy We are encouraging the community to bring their dinner (or a snack) and spend some time talking and listening while we […]

“Beyond the Knife: Health Equity and Social Justice” w/Dr. Cornel West

On Zoom. Dr. Cornel West will address UB Surgery on this Thursday at 4PM in a virtual lecture entitled “Beyond the Knife: Health Equity and Social Justice."  Access the link below to register for this free conversation.

The Doomsday Machine with Daniel Ellsberg

On zoom. Registration link below. “The total death toll as calculated by the Joint Chiefs, from a U.S. first strike aimed at the Soviet Union, its Warsaw Pact satellites, and China,  would be roughly six hundred million dead. A hundred Holocausts.” – Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine Prologue. Join us on March 18th at 7pm, for a […]

Webinar: For Peace in Korea, No More War Drills!

On zoom. Registration link: Speakers * Wooksik Cheong, Director of Peace Network (South Korea) * Catherine Killough, Advocacy Leadership Coordinator of Women Cross DMZ (US) * Jovanni Reyes, Member Coordinator of About Face: Veterans Against War (US) Moderator: Ann Wright, Retired U.S. Army Colonel, Former US Diplomat, Coordinator of the Korea Peace Campaign of […]

“Waking Up White” zoom w/author Debby Irving

On Zoom.  Trinity Episcopal will host a Zoom appearance by Debby Irving, author of "Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race."  Irving, who is white and was raised in upper middle class Massachusetts, writes plainly and clearly about her discoveries of how much she had benefited over the years because she was white and […]

Presenting Afrofuturism // Our Past, Our Present, Our Future

In person at the King Urban Life Center, 938 Genesee St, Buffalo; and livestreaming on Facebook on the page of host The Wakanda Alliance. Re: Presenting Afrofuturism // Our Past, Our Present, Our Future. Free and family-friendly.

Stop Line 3 Virtual Rally & Live Street Mural Action

On zoom. Join a virtual rally and simultaneous street mural painting in solidarity with Line 3 & DAPL Resistance! At 3PM, please use this link to join the rally - Password is 1234. Join the virtual rally to hear the speakers, musicians and get live updates from the (live) mural painting in solidarity being […]