Police Oversight Committee Meeting

On Facebook. The public will be able to view this meeting of The Buffalo Common Council on its Facebook page (facebook.com/BFLOCC). To review the items under discussion for this and all Council Meetings, visit our meeting portal at buffalony.gov/meetings. For any concerns or questions regarding this meeting or any item under discussion, please feel free […]

World Says No to War on Yemen – Global Online Rally

On Zoom. To register for the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a1UiRQgwS_Kk-sBG86bv-A   The shockingly under-reported war in Yemen has led to the death of 250,000 people and created the worst humanitarian crisis anywhere in the world according to the UN. They estimate that more than 24 million people in the country, which was already one of the poorest […]

LASC Monthly Planning Mtg

Zoom Meeting NY

On Zoom – https://canisius.zoom.us/j/97712091132. Meeting ID: 977 1209 1132   Agenda to include: Bolivia LASC/ROCLA 2/3 event led by Bolivia Quaker Education Fund and Vickey Kaiser (Fredonia); Chiapas LASC/ROCLA 3/3 event (rescheduled from 1/6) led by Bill Jungels and Tom Potts; reports on recent local vigils; Roswell Park-Cuba connection, etc.

Stopping Line 3 with Winona LaDuke

On zoom. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Qf6zzKTkRja9CPDW8jB4_g After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. What- Winona Laduke, co-founder of Honor the Earth will speak about the fight to stop Line 3 and a just transition from this current fossil fuel economy. Who-  IWI- Indigenous Women's Initiative, […]

Talking Peace taping on FB Live: policing/ criminal justice reform

Facebook Livestream

On Facebook Live. With host Vicki Ross, WNYPC ED; so graciously recorded by Think Twice Radio: Home of the Future! Special episode on local and international policing/criminal justice reform. Featuring community activists Dominique Calhoun, Cortez Foster, and Myles Carter in the first hour; Martin Gugino, Donna Robinson, and Miles Carter in the second hour.

WNY Refugee Film Festival: Memory is our Homeland

Zoom Meeting NY

On Zoom - register here. The 2021 WNYRFF season is presented FREE OF CHARGE. However, Journey's End Refugee Services kindly asks for a donation to support the vital programs and services provided to our refugee community in Western New York. MEMORY IS OUR HOMELAND: THE STORY OF POLISH REFUGEES IN AFRICA DURING WORLD WAR II, […]


Work That Reconnects: Despair and Empowerment in the Nuclear Age

On Zoom. Registration at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezf2rlt6iocor95olU7UYe-KCBup30wz9Pt3Ao3QIe8so8bQ/viewform Where: Zoom link will be emailed to participants day or two before event. On January 22nd, 2021, the UN Nuclear Ban Treaty goes into effect. But what does that mean when the countries who have nuclear weapons don’t sign it? What can we do in the face of such an […]

WNYPC First Quarterly Mtg 2021

In this meeting we will be looking back at 2020, as well as an overview at some our success during the year. We also will be announcing some other important matters. Zoom Link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83062814288?pwd=NS90NlhQemhKazJGeGpSZnM2RTNpdz09 Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 830 6281 4288 Passcode: 912302

Riverside Salem: Screening “Radium Girls” (whistleblowers! ;)

On Zoom. Screening and discussion of "Radium Girls." The film will start at 4:15. It is about the women working in a Radium factory who work together to expose a corporate cover-up. Bring your friends and your snacks! Cathy Rieley-Goddard (she/her) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Riverside Salem Weekly Gathering Join […]

Moral Mondays: Poor People’s Campaign, Nat’l Call for Moral Revival

Livestream . While many of us feel relief with new leadership in Washington, we also know this is no time to slow down in our organizing of a moral fusion movement. The policy decisions made in the coming weeks will have a life or death impact - especially on poor and low-income people. Join the […]

No War on Syria, End the Occupation! Demonstration

At the corner of Niagara & Porter, Buffalo. Bring a friend and a sign! and Please wear a mask and maintain physical distancing. It has taken only 36 days in office for the Biden administration to show the world, through a bombing attack on Syria, that it is belligerent, aggressive and hell-bent on war. There […]

Nekanehsakt: Mtg, Screening LN3: 7 Teachings for Anishinaabe Resistance”

On zoom. LN3: 7 Teachings for the Anishinaabe Resistance” is a 38-minute documentary on the frontline effort to stop fossil fuel expansion and encourage real energy security. LN3 features indigenous firebrands Winona Laduke, Tara Houska, and poet-hip hop artist ThomasX, as they lead an alliance to take on Big Oil and their enablers at the […]