A District Community Police Meeting

1847 South Park Avenue

This is a chance for community members to meet with the district chief and community police officers with the Buffalo Police Department. "A" District 1847 South Park Avenue

A District Community Police Meeting

1847 South Park Avenue

This is a chance for community members to meet with the district chief and community police officers with the Buffalo Police Department. "A" District 1847 South Park Avenue

Women’s Ways ~ Peace Ways

Join Kelly Maracle, Mohawk and community activist: Nadia Sharam, Esq., matrimonial attorney, mediator, and women's rights organizer; and Diana Lynn Patton, of We Exist and Veterans for Peace, for a discussion at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (1 Lafayette Sq.). Celebrate women's history month working with Women Community Leaders on inspiration, education, and […]

West Valley Scoping Meeting

West Valley Scoping meetings for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement SEIS, Final Decisions on Disposition of Nuclear Waste at West Valley Nuclear Waste Site.  West Valley Volunteer Hose Company, Inc., Firemen’s Memorial Hall and Training, 9091 Route 240, West Valley, NY 14171, in the Main Hall. “Scoping” is done to get public input on what […]

West Valley Scoping Meeting

West Valley Scoping meetings for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement SEIS, Final Decisions on Disposition of Nuclear Waste at West Valley Nuclear Waste Site.  Erie Community College, City Campus, Post Office Building, 121 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203, in the Minnie Gillette Auditorium. “Scoping” is done to get public input on what the whole Environmental […]

Fly Kites Not Drones

Niagara Branch Library Porter Ave, Buffalo, NY

Niagara Branch Public Library, Porter & Niagara. Come for Fly Kites Not Drones!! We'll meet at the library to go together to LaSalle Park to fly kites in solidarity with the Afghan Peace Volunteers and Voices for Creative Nonviolence, on Now Ruz, Persian New Year, the biggest holiday of the Year in that part of […]

West Valley Scoping Meeting

West Valley Scoping meetings for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement SEIS, Final Decisions on Disposition of Nuclear Waste at West Valley Nuclear Waste Site.  Seneca Nation of Indians Cattaraugus Council Chambers, 12837 Route 438, Irving, NY 14081 “Scoping” is done to get public input on what the whole Environmental Impact Statement should cover and include. […]

Women’s Ways Peace Ways

Join Patricia Elliot, Betty Jean Grant, and Andrea Ó Súilleabháin for a discussion at the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (1 Lafayette Sq.) about women's history month around the theme of action.

March For Our Lives – WNY

Niagara Square Delaware Ave and Court St, Buffalo , NY, United States

Join us to stand against gun violence. #NeverAgain should our children have to be afraid to go to school because our politicians are too busy filling their pockets with NRA contributions to do the right thing to keep people safe. Help us create a culture of Peace! Rally in Niagara Sq, City Hall Steps, Bflo, […]

March LASC coffeehouse: Protecting Immigrants in Unstable Times!

Canisius College-Science Hall 2001 Main St., Buffalo, United States

Local Groups: their stories and how they help (at Canisius Col Science Bldg, Main & Jefferson,  in the lounge). Reports from several local activist groups, including St. Joe's University Immigration Committee,  Justice for Migrant Families, and the WNYPC Immigrant & Refugee Justice Taskforce on their efforts to protect immigrants and refugees in a time of changing […]

WATER, THE ENVIRONMENT AND A SOCIALLY JUST WORLD UB School of Social Work 4th Annual Symposium


THURSDAY, MARCH 29 2:00 PM- 9:00 PM 403 HAYES HALL, SOUTH CAMPUS -FOOD PROVIDED Climate change and its impact on vulnerable populations is now at the forefront of public awareness and policy. What happens when water is restricted, contaminated, or becomes inaccessible? Social Work plays a key role in prevention, intervention, advocacy, and policy creation […]


D District Community Police Meeting (either 11am or 6pm)

This is a chance for community members to meet with the district chief and community police officers with the Buffalo Police Department. "D" District Call for a time (11am or 6 pm: 716- 851-4413) 699 Hertel Avenue Temporary: 205 Esser Avenue