Film: Sir! No Sir!

Burning Books

Showing of the suppressed story of the GI Movement to end the war in Vietnam. With discussion afterwards. Get inspired for Nonviolent Direct Action and effective protest. At Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St, Buffalo. Sponsored by Veterans For Peace Ch #128, and WNY Peace Center.

Reproductive Justice: Theory and Practice

120 Clemens-UB North Campus The timing of the symposium is significant. The year 2018 marks the 45th anniversary of Roe v Wade as well as the 20th anniversary of Dr. Slepian’s murder in Western New York. This symposium will be a way to recognize a national legal victory alongside a local tragedy in the long battle for women’s human […]

Network of Religious Communities: Annual Meeting and Dinner

$25 per person For more information contact 716.882.4790, x201 or Payment for Reservations: Mail check or money order payable to "Network of Religious Communities" to Network of Religious Communities at 1272 Delaware Ave Buffalo, NY 14209 Where: The Islamic Center (741 Heim Rd Getzville NY, 14068)

Affordable Housing Panel Discussion

Madonna Lounge in Madonna Hall, D'Youville College 334 Porter Ave, Buffalo, NY

What will affordable Housing look like in Buffalo in the next 10-20 years? Join Assemblyman Sean Ryan for a panel discussion where participants will be answering this question. Held at the Madonna Lounge in Madonna Hall, D'Youville College, 334 Porter Ave Buffalo NY. 140201


Cariol Horne Court Support

Come out to support this s-hero (Cariol is a former police officer, who was fired and lost her pension stopping police brutality) at Judge Hannah's Courtroom (6th fl?), Buffalo City Court Bldg, 60 Delaware Ave. (across from LA Fitness and Niagara Squ). End-time uncertain. From Cariol : I was arrested for trespass when I came […]

Talking Peace w/ WNY Peace Center, WBNY 91.3FM

Radio Show Mondays, 1-4pm on WBNY 91.3FM. Jim Anderson & Vicki Ross co-hosting. Kelly Kowalski, Poor People's Campaign; Film "At the River I Stand;" Lonnie Barlow, PUSH Buffalo. Call-in show! Go to or

Black Business Bazaar

Pratt-Willert Community Center: 422 Pratt St. 30 black-owned vendors To be a vendor email: or call 716.573.1844

Riverside-Salem: Grand Island’s Environment

The program (4:00-6:00 pm + potluck) at the RS Environmental Cottage (3449 W River Rd, Grand Island) will feature a presentation and discussion of 3 Island-related issues: 1)  A presentation by David Reilly and Nicole Gerber on an environmental plan for Grand Island (wildlife and habitat protection, ecotourism, recreational trails, greenspace preservation, responsible agriculture and […]

B District Community Police Meeting

695 Main Street

This is a chance for community members to meet with the district chief and community police officers with the Buffalo Police Department. Call for a time (either 10am or 6pm: 716- 851-4403) "B" District 695 Main Street

B District Community Police Meeting

695 Main Street

This is a chance for community members to meet with the district chief and community police officers with the Buffalo Police Department. Call for a time (either 10am or 6pm: 716- 851-4403) "B" District 695 Main Street

Flooded out: Talking Peace w/WNYPC Radio Show

Unfortunately the Buff State Student Union has flooded, causing All-Talk-Monday radio shows to be cancelled. We'll catch you next week with an especially exciting show!