Women’s March Poster Making

Come make posters for the women's march inspired by your favorite women in STEM. Socialize with your favorite politically active scientists and science enthusiasts. Poster material provided. At Resurgence Brewing Company, 1250 Niagara St, Buffalo, New York 14213. Hosted by Science Demands Action - Buffalo March for Science and WNY Peace Center See facebook page […]

Send-off Party for #StillResisting bus to WMinSeneca Falls

Didn't get a seat on the bus (or make another plan)? You can still join in by coming to our send-off - media welcome, plus we make our own!! At the UB South Park&Ride (parking lot just north/uptown of the Subway/Bus station). Breakfast, hats, and signs welcome!! Thanks and congrats to the voyagers on the […]

Send-off Party for #StillResisting bus to WMinSeneca Falls

Didn't get a seat on the bus (or make another plan)? You can still join in by coming to our send-off - media welcome, plus we make our own!! At the UB South Park&Ride (parking lot just north/uptown of the Subway/Bus station). Breakfast, hats, and signs welcome!! Thanks and congrats to the voyagers on the […]

#StillResisting Weekend: Bus Trip to Women’s March in Seneca Falls

Only a few seats left to join us for an unforgettable time at the birthplace of the Women's Movement in the US!! We are organizing a bus to go (from Buffalo) to the women's march in Seneca Falls, called Women March in Seneca Falls 2018 ("march" is a verb), to celebrate the one year anniversary […]

#StillResisting Weekend: Bus Trip to Women’s March in Seneca Falls

Only a few seats left to join us for an unforgettable time at the birthplace of the Women's Movement in the US!! We are organizing a bus to go (from Buffalo) to the women's march in Seneca Falls, called Women March in Seneca Falls 2018 ("march" is a verb), to celebrate the one year anniversary […]

#StillResisting Weekend – Women In Black

Bidwell & Elmwood Buffalo, NY

For those who can't make it to WMinSF (see our bus trip above), come stand with Women In Black to vigil at Bidwell & Elmwood for special recognition of #WePersist, #StillResisting weekend. One year after the Inauguration of he-who-shall-not-be-named, we are aghast daily at the trolling, trashing, lying and high crimes and misdemeanors permeating this […]

#StillResisting Weekend – Women In Black

Bidwell & Elmwood Buffalo, NY

For those who can't make it to WMinSF (see our bus trip above), come stand with Women In Black to vigil at Bidwell & Elmwood for special recognition of #WePersist, #StillResisting weekend. One year after the Inauguration of he-who-shall-not-be-named, we are aghast daily at the trolling, trashing, lying and high crimes and misdemeanors permeating this […]

Looking at the US White Working Class Historically book release

Burning Books 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo, NY, United States

From the Facebook event page: "Can White People Be Organized Against Racism? A Multi-Racial and Multi-Generational Approach: Launch party for David Gilbert's "Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically" with Naomi Jaffe, co-founder of New York State Prisoner Justice Network and former member of the Weather Underground; Jerome Wright, Upstate Organizer for the Campaign […]

Looking at the US White Working Class Historically book release

Burning Books 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo, NY, United States

From the Facebook event page: "Can White People Be Organized Against Racism? A Multi-Racial and Multi-Generational Approach: Launch party for David Gilbert's "Looking at the U.S. White Working Class Historically" with Naomi Jaffe, co-founder of New York State Prisoner Justice Network and former member of the Weather Underground; Jerome Wright, Upstate Organizer for the Campaign […]

#StillResisting: Sign-making party for Women’s Solidarity March

WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Avenue (Carriage House), Buffalo, NY, United States

Come ahead to make signs for the Women's Solidarity March (WSM) shortly following. Materials provided (and suggested donation to cover materials and help with WSM expenses is $5). At WNYPC/NRC Bldg, 1272 Delaware (entrance & pkg round back). Posterboard, big markers, more. Plus we'll have fun and carpool down! Join us! (yes men can come […]

#StillResisting: Sign-making party for Women’s Solidarity March

WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Avenue (Carriage House), Buffalo, NY, United States

Come ahead to make signs for the Women's Solidarity March (WSM) shortly following. Materials provided (and suggested donation to cover materials and help with WSM expenses is $5). At WNYPC/NRC Bldg, 1272 Delaware (entrance & pkg round back). Posterboard, big markers, more. Plus we'll have fun and carpool down! Join us! (yes men can come […]

#StillResisting Weekend – Women’s Solidarity March – WNY

Steps of Buffalo City Hall

March in downtown Buffalo; Part of WNY #StillResisting Weekend - #wepersist; #PowertothePolls; #womensmarch2018 - on the one year anniversary of the record-breaking Women's March!! Starting at Buffalo City Hall Steps, we'll walk (& keep moving) to spots relating to current campaigns such as the Convention for the Elimination of all Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW); Voter […]