“It Can’t Happen Here” – Subversive Theatre

Written in 1935, Sinclair Lewis’ tale tells of a huckster politician who buys the presidential election and proceeds to turn the U.S. into a fascist dictatorship… see any modern parallels? All shows are in our home venue The Manny Fried Playhouse at 255 Great Arrow Avenue on the third floor of North Buffalo’s historic Great […]

World On Your Plate

14th Annual Conference Focusing on Food, Nutrition, Environment, Farming and Politics; at Daemen College (4380 Main St, Amherst, NY 14226). Saturday will once again feature two speakers: Arturo Rodriguez in the morning and Linda Black Elk, ethnobotanist and restoration ecologist, in the afternoon, as well as multiple workshops, vendors, informational tables and entertainment. Ticket prices […]

World On Your Plate

14th Annual Conference Focusing on Food, Nutrition, Environment, Farming and Politics; at Daemen College (4380 Main St, Amherst, NY 14226). Saturday will once again feature two speakers: Arturo Rodriguez in the morning and Linda Black Elk, ethnobotanist and restoration ecologist, in the afternoon, as well as multiple workshops, vendors, informational tables and entertainment. Ticket prices […]

WNYCOSH Oktoberfest w/Arturo Rodriguez

Arturo is President of United Farm Workers and grandson of Cesar Chavez. Also honoring Justice for Migrant Families (Buffalo 25) and Mark Pearce. Fundraiser. For more info: wnycosh.org/oktoberfest.

WNYCOSH Oktoberfest w/Arturo Rodriguez

Arturo is President of United Farm Workers and grandson of Cesar Chavez. Also honoring Justice for Migrant Families (Buffalo 25) and Mark Pearce. Fundraiser. For more info: wnycosh.org/oktoberfest.

“It Can’t Happen Here” – Subversive Theatre

LAST SHOW OF THIS RUN!! Written in 1935, Sinclair Lewis’ tale tells of a huckster politician who buys the presidential election and proceeds to turn the U.S. into a fascist dictatorship… see any modern parallels? All shows are in our home venue The Manny Fried Playhouse at 255 Great Arrow Avenue on the third floor […]

“It Can’t Happen Here” – Subversive Theatre

LAST SHOW OF THIS RUN!! Written in 1935, Sinclair Lewis’ tale tells of a huckster politician who buys the presidential election and proceeds to turn the U.S. into a fascist dictatorship… see any modern parallels? All shows are in our home venue The Manny Fried Playhouse at 255 Great Arrow Avenue on the third floor […]

Doctrine of Discovery: The Domination Code

A powerful documentary on a significant and profound source of historical traumas impacting Native Americans. Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson (@East Utica), Buffalo. For more info and/or to register, contact Pete Hill, 716-874-2797; phill@nacswny.org.

Doctrine of Discovery: The Domination Code

A powerful documentary on a significant and profound source of historical traumas impacting Native Americans. Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson (@East Utica), Buffalo. For more info and/or to register, contact Pete Hill, 716-874-2797; phill@nacswny.org.

Common Council re Columbus Park

BARC's petition to remove the Columbus statue and change the name of Columbus Park has been assigned to the Legislation Committee of the Buffalo Common Council. You can come to Tuesday's meeting to tell the Committee members to have the statue taken down! Regardless of whether you can make it to the Committee meeting, please […]

Common Council re Columbus Park

BARC's petition to remove the Columbus statue and change the name of Columbus Park has been assigned to the Legislation Committee of the Buffalo Common Council. You can come to Tuesday's meeting to tell the Committee members to have the statue taken down! Regardless of whether you can make it to the Committee meeting, please […]

Protest VERY DANGEROUS Nuclear Waste Shipments

Environmental Justice Taskforce - Protest the Shipments of VERY Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada. Signs available, or bring your own! Front Park, Buffalo (park near Busti & Vermont).