economic justice

Posts Tagged ‘economic justice’

Article 23: Right to Work

Over the past 25 years, the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined dramatically, but unemployment is still a major issue, with more than 204 million people unemployed around the world in 2015.

Article 22: Right to Social Security

These rights, mostly developed in the 20th century, include the right to work, an adequate standard of living, education, maternity and childhood, social security, and the right to take part in cultural life.

Peace & Planet Online International Conference

You are invited to the Peace & Planet Online International Conference, “Building our Movements & Impacting the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference” which will take place via Zoom on January 4, 2022 10 AM New York time.




The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference will take place in New York City from January 4 to 28. Diplomats will converge on the U.N. with the ostensible goal of holding governments accountable to fulfill the Treaty’s promise. Close to $100 billion of public funds are spent annually on nuclear weapons at the expense of urgent human needs and investment in common security. Without a strong multilateral commitment to nuclear disarmament, this will continue to  rise.


To send a powerful message to the U.N. and to build our national and international abolition and peace movements, the Peace and Planet network has organized an online conference in which movement leaders and analysts will share their  expectations for the Review Conference and spell out  what our governments must do  do to ensure full implementation of the Treaty.


Join this remarkable conference, whose speakers include:


Tarja Cronberg SIPRI (Finland),  Maria Pia Devoto (Argentina),  Sharon Dolev METO (Israel) Alexey Gromyko Russian Academy of Sciences_(Russia) Emad Kiyaei METO (Iran),  Marion Kupker (Germany),  Taeho Lee PSPD (South Korea), Fred Lubang, PCBLNISA (Philippines), Jasmine Owens (USA), Matthew Parks COSATU (South Africa), Liv Torres LO Union (Norway), Yayoi Tsuchida of Gensuikyo (Japan).


[Those who prefer to watch the NPT Review Conference’s opening session can do so at]


Peace & Planet Network Participating Organizations: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament & Common Security, Gensuikin, Gensuikyo, International Peace Bureau, International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War, International Trade Union Confederation,  Mouvement de la Paix,  Peace Action, Peace Action New York State, Peoples Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, Public Council of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland, Stop the War Coalition Philippines, United for Peace & Justice, Western States Legal Foundation