environmental justice

Posts Tagged ‘environmental justice’

Climate Justice Town Hall with Senator Schumer & State Senator Gianaris

Online – register here. Join NY Renews and One NY Indivisible for a Climate, Jobs, and Justice Townhall with Senator Schumer and State Senator Michael Gianaris to discuss how we’re going to pass ambitious climate justice legislation on both a state and federal level.

We will be diving into the New York State Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA) and the federal THRIVE Agenda and spending most of the time taking questions directly from YOU to the legislators.

There will be live Spanish translation and closed captioning.

Nowruz / Global Days of Listening

 The Afghan Peace Volunteers invite everyone to say   #Enough!

“We’ll build a critical mass of nonviolent relationships for a green and equal world without war.” APVs

Sunday, March 21, 2021  

Time: 7:30 – 9:30 am (Eastern time), and 4:00 – 6:00 pm in Kabul (Afghanistan time).


The livestream page has the recordings of previous conversations.
Global Days of LISTENING celebrates  11 YEARS of  ACTIVE listening to people around the globe.

Collaborating around each other’s paths of action toward a peaceful world.

Write us at globaldaysoflistening@yahoo.com to request a time to talk.
The regularly scheduled Days of Listening are on the 21st and/or 22nd of each month.

WNYPC job posting extended to 3/19; Stop Line 3; Minari screening

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

The WNYPC’s Executive Director job is still posted, and we have extended the application deadline by one week: now due Friday, 3/19 by 5 PM. (We understand that the direct link in our last email communication was broken, so we certainly apologize for the inconvenience.) We welcome all interested to apply. For details, please visit bit.ly/wnypeace_ed. If questions, please email WNYPC Board Co-Chair, Marie Schuster, at marieforpeace@gmail.com.

It’s also time for applications to be a Board member. If the WNYPC’s mission (Peace Through Justice at Home and Abroad) speaks to you, see the write-up below to check out applying for Board Membership!

Throughout this week and next, please join our campaign to Stop Line 3 (#DefenseTheSacred). Stay up to date on information and help with taking action to prevent Line 3 by following our Facebook and YouTube accounts! Please also call Chase Bank to defund Line 3 – see details and suggested script here.

Please also join the Immigrant and Refugee Justice (IRJ/”urge”) taskforce on Thursday, 3/18 for a special screening of Golden Globe-awarded film, Minari, written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung. Watch the trailer here and see the Zoom details below.

Please see details and much more – including special and regularly scheduled events this week – plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more at wnypeace.org, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)! 

Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!

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