Understanding Peace Prospects with Korea: Korean Peace Treaty Key to a Nuclear Free Northeast Asia. Join Peace Action NYS for an informative hour about the history of the conflict and the status of peace possibilities with North and South Korea. The hour will include a question-and-answer session.
Speaker Hyun Lee is the U.S. National Organizer for Women Cross DMZ and Korea Peace Now–a global women-led campaign to end the Korean War. Previously, she was a writer for ZoominKorea, an associate of the Korea Policy Institute, and a co-producer of the radio show, Asia Pacific Forum. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s from Columbia.
Email Janine Moon moonjn@gmail.com for ZOOM Link.
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) says we all have the right to our own beliefs, to have a religion, have no religion, or to change it. For its time, the UDHR was very progressive in asserting that believers of all religions and secular beliefs should be able to live peacefully with their rights guaranteed by the State, while not presuming any national or state-sponsored religion.
Human Trafficking Awareness Day is dedicated to raising awareness of sexual slavery and human trafficking worldwide. Today, there are between 21-30 million people enslaved in the world, more than at any time in human history. Every day, modern slavery can be recognized: children become soldiers, young women are forced into prostitution and migrant workers exploited in the workforce. Human Trafficking Awareness Day seeks to end this slavery, return rights to individuals and make the world a safer place for all inhabitants.
Human Trafficking Awareness Day started in 2007, when the U.S. Senate designated January 11th as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the hopes of raising awareness to combat human trafficking. It began as a U.S. initiative, and the United Nations has started to highlight this topic and work towards global awareness with days such as International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.