prisoners’ rights

Posts Tagged ‘prisoners’ rights’

Buffalo Town Hall on Public Safety

Join Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes for a conversation about public safety with community leaders focused on solutions.
Some discussion topics include:
  • What can we do about rearrests?
  • How do jails impact public safety?
  • Can we have justice and peace?
Register here. The event is co-sponsored by the Vera Institute of Justice, PPG, and Open Buffalo.

Stopping Cycles of Violence: A Parole Justice & Survivor Justice Advocacy Day

From our friends at Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP):

Please RSVP today to join Stopping Cycles of Violence: A Parole Justice & Survivor Justice Advocacy Day, a day of action and advocacy in the New York State Capitol in Albany on Tuesday, February 14.

We need YOU to help make it as powerful as possible. RSVP today at

On this advocacy day, we’ll uplift our vision for safety and justice rooted in meeting peoples’ needs and not endless punishment. We’ll be boarding buses from across the state and gathering in Albany for marches, rallies, legislative meetings, and a press conference as we call on the New York State Legislature to pass Elder Parole (S.2423/A.2035), Fair & Timely Parole (S.307/A.162), and Fair Access to Victim Compensation (S.214/A.2105).

Food and transportation will be provided.

#HALTsolitary Meeting

#HALTsolitary will meet on Saturday, Jan 28 at 2:00pm. St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 22 Sussex St.

Please enter from Sussex, rather than Fernhill (the usual entrance in past years).  There will be a large group in the large upper parish hall, entering from Fernhill.  On Sussex, you can park on Sussex, the northbound side of Grider, or in the Barnes law firm parking lot across the street from the church. Coming toward the church, you will see an entrance for people with mobility limitations to the left of the steps to the church itself; that is the entrance you should use.  Once inside, proceed straight ahead and our room will be on the right.

Last week Jerome and Stephen participated in advocacy days for Clean Slate and the two parole bills that Donna Robinson and her comrades across the state, with HALT’s support, have been struggling for the last several years.  In addition, they did advocacy on issues of special concern to the Jails Justice Network talking with a half-dozen legislators about two new bills:

  • A measure giving county legislators the right to inspect and monitor their county jails
  • A bill that puts prisons and jails under NY’s strong human rights law, allowing incarcerated people to file complaints with the state’s Division of Human Rights

At the meeting, they’ll go over the HALT compliance situation in jails and prisons, and then devote most of the meeting to advocacy training and practice, so that everyone is ready to speak to elected officials (and others) on HALT non-compliance and the two bills mentioned above.  They expect to have meetings with most of the Buffalo-area Assembly Members and Senators, and many county legislators, in the next couple of months, and will all have a chance to be part of meetings and tell our representatives what we expect them to do.

If you can’t come in person, please consider joining via Zoom (Meeting ID: 882 1585 8813 and Passcode: HALT).