racial justice

Posts Tagged ‘racial justice’

Embracing Buffalo: Healing Opportunities

Embracing Buffalo is a collaborative effort between two trios of women healers – three who live in Buffalo, and three who simply love the place that you call, “Home”.

Embracing Buffalo is not only a response to the May 14th shooting– it is an attempt to address the horrors that preceded it, and to serve in addressing the myriad of symptoms that will continue to emerge in the massacre’s painful aftermath.

Our Intention

The Embracing Buffalo team understands the emotional, physical, and spiritual toll of service on the servants.  Our intention is to replenish community leaders and healers, contributing to expanding their capacity for continued service to humanity.

The Plan

We are proposing healing circles/workshops for the following groups:

  • Wednesday, August 3, 2022
    • First responders plus (police, fire, and healthcare professionals, community) 12-3pm, Frank E Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson Ave, Buffalo 14208
    • Survivors of the shooting (victims’ families, Tops employees and shoppers, and neighbors) 5-8pm African American Cultural Center, 350 Masten Ave, Buffalo 14209
  • Thursday, August 4, 2022
    • Individuals and members of the multiple communities and faith-based groups who have responded to the massacre 10am-3pm, Unity of Buffalo, 1243 Delaware Ave, Buffalo 14209
    • “Let It Flow” – A workshop combining music, movement, and expressive art. All ages and experience levels welcome. 6pm-8pm, Unity of Buffalo, 1243 Delaware Ave, Buffalo 14209
  • Friday and Saturday, August 5th and 6th
    • A 2-day retreat for Black healers/leaders 10am-4pm, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The Center of Excellence Bioinformatics Life Sciences (CBLS), 701 Ellicott Street, Room B2-209, Buffalo 14203

Children are also welcome.

For full details, including our curriculum, speakers, to register and/or donate, visit bit.ly/embracingbuffalo

Buffalo Juneteenth 2022

Join the WNYPC at the Buffalo Juneteenth Festival!
Buffalo’s Juneteenth Festival is back in the park! After 2 years online, we are coming together under the summer sun to enjoy each other’s love, strength, and solidarity. Enjoy the parade, music, dancing, food, and more at MLK Park Saturday and Sunday, June 18th – 19th. Be sure to stop by the WNY Peace Center’s table to say hi!

Camp Peaceprints 2022-Registration Now Closed!

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JULY 18-29, M-F 10 AM – 3 PM


Our 2022 theme will be “Justice for All.” We will explore such questions as: What is Justice? What makes a person a citizen? What are our rights and responsibilities as citizens?  How do we change laws that are unjust and oppressive? We will discuss different types of government that exist around the world and how different countries handle infractions to their laws. Concepts such as laws and law enforcement, civic duty, civil disobedience, the court system, culture and customs will be explored. How do we use the existing justice system productively for all people or change it if it no longer works for society?

CAMP PEACEPRINTS is a summer camp designed to introduce youth to social justice, while providing them with peaceful conflict resolution skills and exposure to a broader community. It is a two-week long alternative education program for participants ages 8 – 13, with older youth serving as Youth Assistants. Participants take weekly field trips and hear from local organizers daily. The lesson plans expose them to alternatives to violence exercises, historical movements to end oppression and modern day efforts in community organizing. Music, art, theater, dance, and recreation are significant facets of the program.