resist militarism

Posts Tagged ‘resist militarism’

War Industry Resisters Network – Week of Action

War Industry Resisters Network – Week of Action! (April 17th-24th): Check out all the folks taking action during the Week of Action!  Join a group near you!

Clearly, there are no winners in the terrible war in Ukraine — except one: U.S. and British military contractors who will carry all their increased profits all the way to the bank.

Big Campaign contributions. 700 lobbyists. Militaristic think tanks. Government advisory boards. Hiring 1700 former Pentagon officials and stacking the government with their own people. These military contractors have numerous ways to determine Pentagon budgets, shape our foreign policy, create war fever, and pick our friends and enemies.

The result is $768,000,000,000. That’s $768 billion dollars. Democrats and Republicans in Congress just passed the most bloated military budget ever. That’s also $768 billion worth of new fossil fuel emissions to be created by the single biggest single source of carbon pollution on earth: the U.S. war machine.

The organizing for the new War Industry Resisters Network is full speed ahead.  We’ve had over a hundred folks join our organizing calls and over 500 join our previous webinar.  Join us as we continue to resist the dangerous war profiteering companies!

You can also join our next and final organizing meeting before the week on  Thursday, April 14, 6:30 pm EDT.  Zoom Link.

Human Rights First: Updates & Ongoing Response to the Crisis in Afghanistan

Please join Human Rights First for a briefing on their response to the crisis in Afghanistan: where they’ve been, where they are, and where they’re going.


Human Rights First experts and legal staff will provide an overview of the Afghan crisis, including information about Human Rights First’s past and ongoing evacuation efforts, policy and advocacy work, and large-scale legal representation effort to provide legal assistance to Afghans seeking protection in the United States through Project: Afghan Legal Assistance (PALA).


This informative briefing will provide advocates and individuals with up-to-date information on the current situation as well as information on how to get involved.

Vigil for Peace in Ukraine!

The WNY Peace Center, with the local Women in Black chapter hosting, is organizing in solidarity with a National Day of Action by CodePink. Some signs  are on hand, and yours are welcome.

#Diplomacy #NegotiationNotEscalation