resist militarism

Posts Tagged ‘resist militarism’

Talking Peace Radio: Indigenous People’s Day

Featuring Kelly Maracle, Mohawk/Seneca, Bear clan, water protector and land defender, Shell River 7; Vicki Ross, WNYPC Board Chair, PANYS Upstate Chair; and more.

UN-declared International Day of World Indigenous People; Indigenous rights and sovereignty (Shell River 7, +++); protecting Mother Earth and the Waters (Water Walk, ceremonies).

Taped and live-streamed on Facebook, YouTube & Twitch; audio broadcast Monday, Aug 8th, 1-2pm on WBNY 91.3FM or

Talking Peace Radio: Nuclear Dangers

Featuring Agnes Williams, Indigenous Womens Initiatives founder and leader; Diane D’Arrigo, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Radioactive Wast Project Director; with host Vicki Ross, WNYPC Board Chair, PANYS Upstate Chair.

Remembering US’ devastating Hiroshima & Nagasaki; Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Indigenous suffering; West Valley clean-up action plan (urging Gov. Hochul to ensure full enclosure and monitoring).

Taped and live-streamed on Facebook, YouTube & Twitch; audio broadcast Mon, Aug 8, 12-1pm on WBNY 91.3FM and

Camp Peaceprints 2022-Registration Now Closed!

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JULY 18-29, M-F 10 AM – 3 PM


Our 2022 theme will be “Justice for All.” We will explore such questions as: What is Justice? What makes a person a citizen? What are our rights and responsibilities as citizens?  How do we change laws that are unjust and oppressive? We will discuss different types of government that exist around the world and how different countries handle infractions to their laws. Concepts such as laws and law enforcement, civic duty, civil disobedience, the court system, culture and customs will be explored. How do we use the existing justice system productively for all people or change it if it no longer works for society?

CAMP PEACEPRINTS is a summer camp designed to introduce youth to social justice, while providing them with peaceful conflict resolution skills and exposure to a broader community. It is a two-week long alternative education program for participants ages 8 – 13, with older youth serving as Youth Assistants. Participants take weekly field trips and hear from local organizers daily. The lesson plans expose them to alternatives to violence exercises, historical movements to end oppression and modern day efforts in community organizing. Music, art, theater, dance, and recreation are significant facets of the program.