talking peace radio

Posts Tagged ‘talking peace radio’

Talking Peace taping: The Carceral System

With Community Activists – Jerome Wright, CAIC (Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement), VOICE Buffalo; Monica Lynch,  & Sister of Connell Burrell, died from medical malpractice at the Erie Co Holding Center; Myles Carter, Imam at Erie’s Alden carceral facility, former Erie Co Sheriff Candidate; Deidra EmEl, Executive Director of the WNY Peace Center; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Community Coordinator, and Consultant for the Interfaith Peace Network.

    • values we bring
    • what’s with the carceral system – who? what? where? when? how? why?
    • thru the lens of human rights
    • areas for growth and learning
    • ways to support and get involved, including both locally and generally


The show is taped for just under an hour by Think Twice Radio: Home of the Future (thanks to Richard Wicka, our wonderful producer). The Zoom recording, livestreamed on Facebook during the taping, will air on WBNY 91.3FM on the following Monday (1/10) at 1pm EST. After airing, you can also find the video archived on the WNY Peace Center YouTube channel.

Talking Peace taping: Afghanistan – Eyewitness Account

With Basir Bita, Afghan refugee relocated to Vancouver, CA; Doug Mackey, Fellowship Of Reconciliation; Ladaisha Williams, Community Outreach for Urban League’s Young Professionals Program (focus includes Afghan refugees resettling in Buffalo); Deidra EmEl, Executive Director of the WNY Peace Center; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Community Coordinator, and Consultant for the Interfaith Peace Network.

    • values we bring
    • the fall of Kabul – eyewitness account from Basir
    • international efforts for peace and human rights
    • local efforts to help with resettlement in Buffalo
    • ways to help and get more involved


The show is taped for just under an hour by Think Twice Radio: Home of the Future (thanks to Richard Wicka, our wonderful producer. The Zoom recording, livestreamed on Facebook during the taping, will air on WBNY 91.3FM on the following Monday (1/10) at 2pm EST. After airing, you can also find the video archived on the WNY Peace Center YouTube channel.

Talking Peace taping: Afghanistan Crisis

Tune in to the WNYPC FB Live for a taping of Talking Peace you don’t want to miss!
Featuring the Afghanistan Crisis with Kathy Kelly, Ban Killer Drones, World Beyond War; Ladaisha Williams, a WNY Emerging Leader, doing Afghan refugee support through Urban League Young Professionals Program; Deidra EmEl, Executive Director of the WNY Peace Center; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Human Rights & Peace Education Chair, and Consultant for the Interfaith Peace Network.
Discussion: Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis – including direct experience of fall of Kabul, escape of Basir Bita, Afghan humanitarian and refugee; US role (20 years occupation, current freeze on Afghan money supply); ways to support and get involved, including both locally and generally; need to press our elected reps (Congress, President, Sec. Blinken) to free Afghan Central Bank’s funds; give humanitarian relief; reduce Pentagon budget
Please sign the #UnfreezeAfghanistan Code Pink Petition here:
#ImmigrantRefugeeJustice #ResistMilitarism #EconomicJustice