talking peace radio

Posts Tagged ‘talking peace radio’

Talking Peace taping on FB Live: anti-nuclear, Yemen

On Facebook Live. Tune in for the WNYPC’s weekly taping of #TalkingPeace! With host Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director. Recorded by #ThinkTwiceRadio: Home of the Future! Featuring:

1st hour: Mark Colville, Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – of the Amistad Catholic Worker, New Haven, Connecticut; Emily Rubino, Director of Policy & Outreach, Peace Action NYS

    • 1/22/21: Enter Into Force (EIF) day for the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)
    • what that means to the US and other (nuclear-armed) non-ratifiers
    • Catholic Workers, KBP7
    • Nuclear Weapons as a gun to the World’s head
    • action steps: Back from the Brink campaign; call Congressional Reps

2nd hour:  Aisha Jumaan, President of the Yemen Relief & Reconstruction Foundation; Kawthar Abdullah, Lead Organizer NYC Chapter of Yemeni Alliance Committee

    • current situation in Yemen
    • International Day of Action for Yemen on 1/25
    • involvement of external actors including especially US
    • current needs [including personal stories]
    • what people can do to help (including urging Biden to rescind Trump Admin’s designation of Houthis as a terrorist group)
    • opportunities on 1/25

‘Talking Peace’ taping on FB Live

On FB Live. Hosted by WNYPC Executive Director, Vicki Ross. So graciously taped by Think Twice Radio: Home of the Future!

First hour: featuring Clare Grady on

  • Epiphany
  • Catholic Workers/Plowshares
  • Witness Against Torture
  • Kings Bay Plowshares 7, nuclear weapons (including Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons)

Second hour: Agnes Williams, Seneca, Indigenous Women’s Initiatives; with Clare Grady

  • Nuclear Waste/West Valley clean-up
  • UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN DRIP)
  • Prior Free & Informed Consent (to land use, etc)
  • Environmental Justice/Care for Mother Earth
  • People and the Planet

Talking Peace with the WNYPC on WBNY 91.3FM

On WBNY 91.3 FM (or streaming at Talking Peace host Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director and co-host Talia Rodriguez, J.D., WNY Gender Justice Taskforce Chair with insights on peace and justice. At the moment, the show is being pre-recorded so graciously by Think Twice Studios!

  • 1st hour with guest Bill Jungels: work of the Latin American Solidarity Committee (LASC); Bill’s work in Chiapas; LASC/ROCLA event on 1/6; Tom Pott’s work; Zapatistas; role of women in the struggle in Chiapas and here, Women’s March 1/16
  • 2nd hour with guest Heidi Jones: White supremacists in anti-maskers’ clothing; recent events in WNY