On Facebook Live. Talking Peace taping livestream with host Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director and co-host Talia Rodriguez, J.D., WNY Gender Justice Taskforce Chair. At the moment, the show is being recorded so graciously by Think Twice Studios!
- 1st hour with guest Bill Jungels (and possibly Tom Potts): work of the Latin American Solidarity Committee (LASC); Bill and Tom’s work in Chiapas; their LASC/ROCLA event on 1/6; Tom Pott’s work; Zapatistas; role of women in the struggle in Chiapas and here; WNY Women’s March2021 on 1/16
- 2nd hour with guest Heidi Jones: White supremacists in anti-maskers’ clothing; recent events in WNY
On WBNY 91.3 FM (or streaming online at wbny.buffalostate.edu). Talking Peace, WNYPC‘S weekly radio show, has new episodes! From 1-3 PM on Mondays, tune in for insights on peace and justice. At the moment, the show is being pre-recorded (so graciously by Think Twice Studios!). Hosted by Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director.
- 1st hour: Dr. Rolanda Ward, Director, Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equity, and Mission; Social Work Prof @ Niagara Univ.; Melissa M. Costa, LICSW, Children, Youth & Families Case Manager Supervisor, Department of Mental Health, New Bedford, MA
- on COVID from a Social Work Perspective: Dangers to health; risk and result disparities, reflecting those commonly already in place – racial, economic, marginalized communities; disparities now exacerbated by the COVID, including foregoing as well as essential workers; increased protection also consistently going to those already privileged; special stress on children and families in formative times; difficulty in accessing services (along same disparity lines). Economic catastrophes for those already financially strapped; resources available for children and families; need for determined social justice advocacy and solidarity.
- 2nd hour: Dr. Mike Niman, Media Studies Prof, SUNY Buffalo State; author; syndicated columnist
- on COVID vaccines distribution impeded by intellectual property issues, as for-profit corporations take the final steps on top of the bulk of the research already done and publicly funded; misinformation and COVID exhaustion has fed the current spiral, which needs serious public discipline to mitigate current large increase in infections; overwhelming of lean medical/hospital systems, downsized for profitability (thus not available when suddenly needed); huge increases in rural areas/middle of country not previously affected; civil disobedience of Trump-ite electeds/govt officials, against the law, but also immoral and unethical (where we are used to civil disobedience in pursuit of moral and ethical high road); applicability of RICO statutes to the conspiracy and illegality of the efforts: they are both organized and criminal (election interference).

On WBNY 91.3 FM (or streaming online at wbny.buffalostate.edu). Talking Peace, WNYPC‘S weekly radio show, has new episodes! From 1-3 PM on Mondays, tune in for insights on peace and justice. At the moment, the show is being pre-recorded (so graciously by Think Twice Studios!). Hosted by Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director.
This week’s episode features:
– Medea Benjamin, #CODEPINK, in the first hour: US endless “war on terror”, Biden cabinet picks including warhawks; activists working to stop war profiteer Michele Flourney; US violence and war crimes including economic sanctions and drones, interventions; foreign policy dangers in remainder of Trump’s term; campaign for Cuban doctors to receive Nobel Peace Prize for international service during pandemic
– Myles Carter, community activist, in the second hour: County budget; legislature votes (Tues 12/8); County lock-ups (ECHC and Alden) together at 1/3 capacity taking ~10% funds during economic crisis; huge toll on POC in Buffalo; vicious cycle of violence visited on BIPOC communities; Speak-out on Erie County Holding Center on International Human Rights Day, Thurs 12/10 at 6:30 PM on Zoom (details on our website)