We know that these past few weeks have not been easy and expect that the next few will continue to be a challenge. We hope that in these stressful times you are taking care of yourselves, both physically and mentally. Please remember that you are not in this alone, but that we are #AloneTogether. Of course the City of Good Neighbors has come through, and there are plenty of resources to help one another, including the Buffalo Mutual Aid Network.
In this spirit of community building, let us keep in mind that on every level the priority should be people, not profits. Bailouts must focus on individuals and families, not corporations. To ensure our say in this, we must complete the Census and safeguard our elections. Voting should not be a public health risk; it is time to implement a national system of voting by mail.
This week we highlight a few events in the spirit of community action. Please join us for:
A NuclearFree Future in preparation for Peace-On-and-with-the-Earth Month! With Dr. Ira Helfand, two-time Nobel Peace recipient, key scientist, and truth-teller. Sunday, 29 March via Zoom Meeting and Facebook Live.
WNED-TV showing of the NOVA program on the Cuban medical contributions to and connections with Roswell Park. Wednesday, 1 April at 9 PM.
We also want to let you know that our dear Board Co-Chair, Welcomer, Water Protector and liaison to Nekanęhsakt: Friends of Ękwehęwę – Kelly Maracle – needs our help. Kelly has been in the hospital for the past two weeks and is suffering from complications related to medication and surgery. She has not been able to work during this time and will not for some time after she returns home, where she lives with her family including an elderly aunt, two grandchildren, and her daughter who has lost work due to COVD-19. Kelly is a caring mother, grandmother and tireless warrior for the planet, the water, her family and Indigenous Sovereignty.
This fundraiser is being put on and sponsored by Nekanehsakt. Please join us today and make any donation you can, small or large. You can make a contribution via Paypal or send a check or money order to: Kelly Maracle, 13967 Route 438, Gowanda, NY 14070
When you donate, know that 100% of the donation will go directly to Kelly and family. If you can’t send any money send love, prayers and healing her way for a strong speedy recovery! Nya:wëh, thank you so much!
Participate online at 7 PM. In place of his Upstate NY in-person tour, Dr. Ira Helfand is offering a webinar on the Back from the Brink Campaign to prevent Nuclear War (BFTB), as well as asking whether COVID-19 may save us all! (yes, Crisis = Opportunity). This will include 1. the dangerous state of current nuclear brinkmanship; 2. an overview of the campaign, demands, structure, bills in Congress, and successes so far; 3. ideas for connecting BFTB with work you are already doing, and 4. opportunity for your questions to be answered.
Join the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Virtual Spring Lobby Weekend, where hundreds of students, recent grads, Quakers, and young adults will gather online to learn and virtually lobby Congress on one critical issue: climate change. The climate emergency requires urgent action by individuals, companies, investors, and communities. We need to push Congress to adapt ambitious federal laws to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Join FCNL online and make your voice heard!
Premiering on WNED-TV at 9 PM. When the U.S. trade embargo left Cuba isolated from medical resources, Cuban scientists were forced to get creative. Now they’ve developed lung cancer vaccines that show so much promise, some Americans are defying the embargo and traveling to Cuba for treatment. In an unprecedented move, Cuban researchers are working with U.S. partners to make the medicines more widely available. This includes Roswell Park medical staff, who’ve shared with us and the world their gratitude for the Cuban medical personnel! Don’t miss it!
From 12:30 – 1 PM. Join the Immigrant & Refugee Justice taskforce (IRJ) and drive around the block of the ICE field offices at the Delaware North building. Route: North on Delaware Ave, left onto N Johnson Park, left onto S Elmwood, left onto Chippewa. Please put signs and streamers taped onto the outside of your vehicle and be ready to honk away! (Thanks, SURJ, for this great protest idea!) The people detained in Batavia are truly in danger due to people congestion, poor medical treatment, inadequate nutrition, and overall unhealthful conditions for people whose health may very likely already be more vulnerable. #ReleaseThemNow #DetentionIsDeadly #FreeThemAll
At 7 PM via Facebook Premiere. Free Fred Brown! explores themes of community, resilience and solidarity in the midst of social crisis. For years, PUSH Green has worked with local communities to make them more sustainable and resilient in the face of climate change. As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, Ujima Company, Inc. and PUSH Buffalo invite community members to join in a screening and discussion of Free Fred Brown!
At the Erie County Holding Center, Delaware Ave between Church & Eagle Streets, Buffalo. Join the Prisoners’ Rights taskforce for their weekly vigil/protests on Wednesday from 4-5:30 PM. The ECHC has significantly higher deaths than similar facilities. The Sheriff’s Department has misreported and been determined to have committee homicide by medical neglect per the DOJ! The Sheriff’s Administration is a public health emergency! *** All are welcome; please bring signs. *** Also, please call Governor Cuomo at 518-474-8390 to urge him to remove Sheriff Howard as he is clearly not up to the job.
At Front Park (Vermont & Busti), Buffalo. Join the Environmental Justice taskforce every Friday from 2-3 PM to protest shipments of VERY dangerous radioactive liquid transported bfrom Canada over the Peace Bridge. Due to the public health emergency, please bring your own signs. You can also call Governor Cuomo’s office to DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY! Phone: 518-474-8390, press 1 when the recording begins. Script: “Governor Cuomo, please declare a climate emergency for the state of New York, which means an immediate ban on all new fossil fuel infrastructure. I’m calling from zip code xxxxx.”
Due to the public health emergency, the WNYCC had to cancel their in-person Buffalo Climate Strike on 20 March. The goal of the strike, to ask our Common Council members of Buffalo to Declare a Climate Emergency, is to pass a Climate Resolution. The strike has now become a weekly (every Friday!) digital strike – please join them by sharing seflies and pictures with your rally signs and posters for the Buffalo Climate Strike to Declare a Climate Emergency on social media, and use the hashtags #DIGITALSTRIKE #WNYYOUTHCLIMATE #DECLAREACLIMATEEMERGENCY
Nonviolence vigil at Bidwell & Elmwood; Saturdays, noon – 1 PM. All are welcome; you don’t need to be a woman or dress in black. Please bring your own signs due to the current public health emergency.
The spread of COVID-19 has exposed a rot at the center of American society: that we siphon 55% of our discretionary budget into the Pentagon — $738 billion — while we allocate only 1.5% of that — $11 billion — to the Centers for Disease Control. Tell Congress to double the CDC’s budget by cutting money to the Pentagon.
Demand peace, diplomacy, and sane domestic and foreign policies from your Senators and/or House Representatives.
At least 1,800 Iranians DEAD. Over 23,000 INFECTED. AN ESTIMATED 3.5 MILLION MAY DIE. Urge Congress to introduce COVID19-related legislation to lift sanctions on Iran. #SanctionsKill #SanctionsSpreadCOVID19
Hold District Attorneys across New York accountable to ending mass incarceration, plus fight against tenant abuse, homelessness, environmental violence, and racist housing policies.
Support the campaign to free our immigrant and refugee neighbors from detention facilities during the current public health crisis.
FFJC Policy Recommendations and Reform Tracker on COVID-19
Support evidence-based policies that jurisdictions around the country should take to help stem this public health and economic crisis.
We have made it through our first full week of “social”/physical distancing. We hope you are all getting through this challenging and uncertain time as well as can be. At the end of this email you will find a list of resources, from health tips to unemployment to how to help vulnerable populations. There is a long road ahead, but the social distance doesn’t mean an end to social justice work and collective action. You are needed now more than ever.
In answer to the question many of you may have had regarding our weekly vigils, three of four – Environmental Justice at the Peace Bridge; Prisoners’ Rights at the Erie County Holding Center; Women in Black at Elmwood & Bidwell – are each currently on autopilot. This means that they have been shifted to be individual activities; so if you join and others are participating, please keep enough distance between you so that it’s clear you are not part of a group. And remember to bring your signs! The Immigrant & Refugee Justice vigil at Delaware North (home of the ICE Buffalo field office) is on hiatus due to the public health emergency. We will continue to share information in our IRJ taskforce FB Group on how to stay involved digitally.
Moreover, Crisis~=Opportunity! Please check out Naomi Klein and Joseph Stieglitz on Democracy Now!’s 3/19/20 edition. You may also be interested in celebrating Now Ruz, Afghanistan’s New Year’s and its biggest holiday of the year, if you’re up at 12:30am this Sunday morning, with the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Their extended war-zone experience can help guide us now! See livestream link and more info below.
We also offer you more information on continued activism that you can get involved with from the comfort and safety of your homes. This should include reminding those friends and family members who are unplugged about the upcoming Census, which can be completed by mail, phone, and online. STAY COUNTED – AND SPREAD THE WORD!
the secret to effective nonviolent resistance.
Please see much more below, including great online events this week, and more at wnypeace.org, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!
Peace, thanks, solidarity and yes – love.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Here’s a summary (with more details on various items directly below):
Beinginformed, getting involved, and taking action on issues that affect Buffalo Niagara by making your voice heard to government and media. https://ppgbuffalo.org/action/overview/
Peace and Diplomacy Lobbying – demanding peace, diplomacy, and sane domestic and foreign policies from your Senators and/or House Representatives. https://www.panys.org/current-actions/
#DemandJustice #HousingJustice – holding District Attorneys across New York accountable to ending mass incarceration, plus fighting against tenant abuse, homelessness, environmental violence, and racist housing policies. https://citizenactionny.org/
Let My People Go – supporting the campaign to free our immigrant and refugee neighbors from detention facilities during the current public health crisis. https://nyimmigrantfreedom.org/let-my-people-go/
Completing Census 2020 – The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of blllions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade That funding shapes many different aspects of every community, no matter the size, no matter the location. https://2020census.gov/en.html
Resources at Peace Action New York State (PANYS) that includes current legislation and co-sponsors, scheduled lobbying meetings, Town Halls in New York state – and most importantly – lobby packets and one-pagers that you can take to your Senators or House Representative. The only way to influence our Elected Representatives is to get their attention – through calls, letters, in-district meetings, and public events. Not sure who your Representatives are? Go to whoismyrepresentative.com to find out. Current issues include: Iran, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Venezuela, Yemen, and Opposing Israel Anti-Boycott Act
#DemandJustice and #HousingJustice
Together with Citizen Action! New York, you can help in building two movements:
to hold District Attorneys across New York State accountable to end mass incarceration! Learn how to take action to ensure our District Attorneys full implement the new pretrial laws that were passed in 2019 to keep thousands of legally innocent New Yorkers out of jail while they await trial. Tell state legislators that you support the new pretrial laws that will keep thousands of legally innocent people out of jail, and to implement them without any changes.
fighting the NYS real estate industry which prioritizes profits over the safety and security of the 50% of our residents who are renters. Half the state’s tenants are unable to afford their rent, and over 90,000 people are in homeless situations on any given day. Support the campaign against tenant abuse, homelessness, environmental violence, and racist housing policies.
The week (and month) is shaping up to be very busy, so you likely have to pick and choose what you can actually manage! Si, Se Puede …. We Shall Overcome! Harambe/Together!
Thanks to the many who came out to join with Women In Black for the special National Day of Action! With he-who-shall-not-be-named/he-who’s-impeached threatening 52 Iranian cultural sites (~=aiming at civilians and civil society), we need a Congressional resolution to stop US aggression towards Iran.
Please call your Congressperson (switchboard is 202-224-3121 – or Reps Higgins or Reed if you don’t have one) to urge a stop through the War Powers Act to any war on Iran, as well as any more troops to the Middle East. They may vote tomorrow!
Tonight we also have the Community Conversation on #HALTSolitary, 6pm at the Crucial Center (230 Moselle, Buffalo). All are welcome to hear first-hand accounts, experience a model solitary cell, hear from officials – including Legislator April Baskin, experts, and convenient info re free Albany lobby trip on January 21. Hope to see you there!
We hope, too, you’ll attend the January 11, 1:30pm membership meeting at the WNYPC, NRC Bldg, 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo 14209 (entrance & parking round back). All are welcome, and can bring a snack to share if you like. We’ll cover strategic planning, taskforces and committees. These are critical times for working together.
The buzz is building for the Women’s March Sunday January 19, 1:30pm, part of a Weekend of Action! We’re excited that WNY Resistance Revival Chorus will kick us off, after an Indigenous welcome. We can also confirm that we’ll feature Indigenous Women (as will the National March – many from here will have just been there), have Vonetta Rhodes share spoken word, more music from Phenomenal Ladies of Rhythm and Roc Da Mic, chanting lead by Jennifer Page, and inspiring speakers!
Don’t miss the sign-making and a showing of the Doctrine of Discovery documentary on Saturday (3:30-5:30pm at the WNYPC, see above). Materials will be on hand (and free will offering), as will Women’s March T-shirts! Of course, you’ll want to be at the wonderful Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration later on Sunday (6-8pm at Kleinhans). See more on our website at wnypeace.org.
If you can free yourself up on a Tuesday for criminal justice reform, there are still the two lobby trips to Albany – all day (~5:30am to late evening), fully funded. Dates, focus, and links for reserving a seat are:
– Tues, Jan 14, to Release our Aging People from Prison (go to bit.ly/35ZDluL to #FreeOurElders);
– Tues, Jan 21, (https://www.facebook.com/events/564954490972330/) to advocate for legislators to pass the #HALTsolitary act.
Of note, there are two advisory committee meetings on January 14, 10am-ish, if you can better do that than a whole-day trip. Please see our website.)
As always, more below, including regularly scheduled events & vigils, and more at wnypeace.org, and on our facebook page, twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (wnypeace)!
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.
#Unite! #OneLove
Events this week:
Ending Torture: A Solitary Confinement Community Discussion
January 7 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
At the Crucial Community Center, 230 Moselle St, Buffalo NY 14211. Join us for a discussion about the pervasive use of solitary confinement across New York, with firsthand accounts from solitary survivors. Learn more about #HALTsolitary (http://nycaic.org) and ways to get involved to end the use of solitary confinement across the state. Organized by Buffalo Urban League Young Professionals and WNYPC.
Resist Militarism! Taskforce Mtg
January 8 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
At Isaías González-Soto Branch Library (formerly Niagara Branch), 280 Porter Ave, Buffalo NY. Discuss ideas for what an interactive memorial in Buffalo that acknowledges all victims of war could look like. All are welcome!
End the ICE Terror weekly vigil
January 9 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Join the Immigrant & Refugee Taskforce every Thursday from 5:00-6:00 PM for an End the ICE Terror vigil in front of the ICE Field Office at the Delaware North Building (250 Delaware Ave at the corner of Chippewa). Bring your signs and spirit of solidarity. We will not stay silent!
Saturday Academies at Lafayette Community School
January 11 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Free activities for the whole community! Join the WNY Peace Center at 10:30 in the cafeteria for a PeaceJam activity.
WNYPC Membership Mtg
January 11 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
At WNYPC/NRC Bldg, 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & parking round back of bldg). Come on out and get connected with the WNYPC’s vital taskforces, submit a membership survey, get info on past and upcoming events and campaigns. And please re-up your membership for the year if you haven’t already! That will enable to have a vote. Focus on Taskforces and Committees.
Trip to Albany to lobby to #FreeOurElders
January 14 @ 5:30 am – 9:30 pm
Bring them home!! End Death-by-incarceration sentences to promote parole justice. Free transportation and food is provided. To rsvp, please go to: bit.ly/35ZDluL. Questions? Contact Rosie Rios, rmr2198@columbia.edu. Parole Preparation Project; RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison).
Corrections Advisory Board – Initial Mtg
January 14 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
At Old County Hall, 92 Franklin, 4th floor conference room. Initial meeting of the Corrections Advisory Board overseeing Sheriff Howard’s administration of the Erie Co Holding Center, Alden, etc. Public meeting.
Women’s March – DC
January 18 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
On January 18, 2020, the Women’s March on Washington will take the power back and so will you. In 2020, we have a chance to finish what we started three years ago and remove Trump from office. We can’t do it without you. Come to DC for the national march and/or go to our local the following day!
Women’s March – Buffalo/WNY
January 19 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
At Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY. #UNITE – as part of the Weekend of Action! A rally and march with speakers, music, and the Spirit, to celebrate Truth and Love. We will stand together for Women, Solidarity with and Justice for People and the Planet, and #womenswave, #powertothepolls. See our ~70 great cosponsors list on our website wnypeace.org or the facebook event page.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Celebration
January 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
At Kleinhans Music Hall, One Symphony Circle, Buffalo NY. Come join this beautiful community celebration of our beloved Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This African-American community celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. King includes exciting music and dance performances from throughout Western New York. Free and open to the public. All are welcome.
Trip to Albany to Pass #HALTsolitary Act
January 21 @ 5:30 am – 9:30 pm
WNY chapter of the Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement (CAIC) is going to be joining various chapters across the state in Albany on Tuesday, January 21 (https://www.facebook.com/events/564954490972330/) to advocate for legislators to pass the #HALTsolitary act. It is so important to passing the act. More than 2 weeks in solitary is torture per international standards, and tremendously harmful and traumatic to people. We need more voices coming to Albany with us to make sure this time it gets passed! Please join us!
Sanctuary for Refugees (LASC Coffeehouse)
January 27 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
At Canisius College (Main & Jefferson), Science Building Lounge. Speaker Rev. Nancy Rosas is the pastor at Pilgrim St Luke’s UCC, the only active sanctuary church in Buffalo. The church has hosted numerous families who are threatened with deportation. The families are afforded a comfortable and safe place to stay while they need one. Come find out more. All are welcome. Light refreshments.
REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Struggle, One Vision, One Love:
Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY. Mondays, 1-3pm. Call-in show with Jim Anderson and Vicki Ross co-hosting. Also streaming on-line at wbny.buffalostate.edu. Topic: Criminal Justice and the need for transformation.
Buffalo Nekanesakt. Indigenous support group/allies. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm. At Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Ave. All are welcome!! Reading group for the Great Law of Peace will meet on the last Tuesday of January for its final session on the Kayanerenko:wa as put forth by Kayanesenh Paul Williams.
Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce – NO MORE Deaths! Vigil/protest Wednesdays 4-5:30pm at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). The Sheriff’s Administration is a Public Health Emergency!! All are welcome. Please bring signs.
Resist Militarism! Taskforce – Regular monthly planning meeting third Weds of the month, Jan 15; 5-6:30pm. at Isaías González-Soto Branch (formerly Niagara Branch) Library, 280 Porter Ave, Buffalo 14201.
Interfaith Peace Network – in January only, 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month, ie, January 9 and January 23, with special presentations on Congregation of Israel and Sufism respectively; 9:15am at 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 entrance and parking round back.) Breakfast potluck, and discussion.
End ICE Terror – Thursdays, 5-6pm, vigil in front of the ICE building on the corner of (@250) Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE #CLOSETHECAMPS #NeverAgainIsNow
Environmental Justice Taskforce – Vigil to Protest the Shipments of VERY Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada coming over the Peace Bridge. Fridays 2-3pm, Front Park at Vermont & Busti, Buffalo. Signs welcome and also usually available.
Stop The Violence Coalition – 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month; 6pm, United Way Building, Delaware and Summer Sts.
Women In Black – Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood. Saturdays, Noon-1pm. Signs also available. (and you don’t need to be a woman or dress in black) Special gathering on Jan 4 for National Day of Action: US out of Iraq!!!
Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage & UCC/DC – Various progressive spiritual activist and naturalist programs, Sundays, 4-6pm followed by a pot-luck. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. Celebrate Epiphany on Sunday, 1/5.
Of note: Little Africa Culture Club, 356 S. Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY. African Drumming Sundays, 12-2pm.
We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver
More listings on calendar and in previous email posts.
To subscribe, write to weeklynews@wnypeace.org with “subscribe” in subject line. To unsubscribe, write to weeklynews@wnypeace.org with “unsubscribe” in subject line. (Sorry for delays!)
Please submit possible listings for consideration to weeklynews@wnypeace.org. The time is now, and we are the people we’ve been waiting for!
And remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCASTMONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at wbny.buffalostate.edu.
Si, se puede! We shall overcome. #Unite
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.