Recent Activities

Census; Women’s March; Early Voting

Sunday, October 4th 2020

We want to start by again emphasizing the importance of completing the 2020 Census. (Read here about how a low census response could affect our communities in WNY.) Although the courts barred the Trump administration from ending census data collection on 9/30, the Secretary of Commerce announced that self-response and field data collection will conclude on 10/5 – that means TOMORROW is the last day! If you have not yet completed your household’s census, visit to do so ASAP and remind your friends and family!

We also  want to remind you to make your voting plan well in advance of Election Day – specifically for early voting. All active registered voters in Erie County are eligible to cast an early voting ballot – you do not have to do anything more! Starting 10/24, there will be 37 early voting locations in Erie County which you can just walk into to cast your vote. If you are concerned about voting in person, please see more details here on requesting an absentee ballot – there is still time! And if you or someone you know is interested in becoming a poll worker, find more information here.

The WNYPC is proud to host WNY’s upcoming Women’s March on October 17th at Niagara Square. Join us for a rally to stop violence against women (including economic injustice, misogyny, telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies, etc.), BIPOC, and the planet! Will feature speakers (including local community leaders Dominique Calhoun; former Erie Co. Legislator Betty Jean Grant, head of We Are Women Warriors; and more), musical performances (including Roc Da Mic with Peacejam; and Queen City Feminist Chorus), and sharing information about early voting. Cosponsors welcome! Email if YOU are interested in co-sponsoring, speaking, or performing!

The WNYPC also continues to emphasize the importance of Collective Nonviolent Direct Action (CNDA), especially as we prepare for the aftermath of an election with a president who has openly stated that he may not respect the results. Please see our CNDA study events and resources before the first of two biweekly sessions of the CNDA ‘First Steps’ on 10/10 and 10/24.

Lastly, a reminder that tickets are on sale for our 53rd Annual Fundraiser: ‘An Evening with Dr. Cornel West’ on Monday, November 9th at 7pm! Please visit our event page to watch the promo video featuring Dr. West, find additional details, and buy tickets to either the theatre or Zoom live broadcast! We see now more than ever that come November, we will be in great need of his post-election guidance.

We know that there is a lot going on right now, we really do. Remember to pace yourselves – we’ll get through it, together! Unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word, as Dr. King said.

Please see details and much more below, including special and regularly scheduled events this week, plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more at, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!

Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!

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Annual Event tickets; Voting+Census; Season of Nonviolence

September 27th, 2020

The WNY Peace Center is especially excited to announce that TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE for our 53rd Annual Fundraiser: ‘An Evening with Dr. Cornel West’ on Monday, November 9th at 7pm! Please visit our event page to watch the promo video featuring Dr. West, find additional details, and buy tickets to either the theatre or Zoom live broadcast! We know that come November, we will be in great need of his post-election guidance.

On a similar note, we recognize that many people don’t know how to feel as it is right now. We’re guessing that you, like us, are just stunned by all of the things going on. We get through this by reminding ourselves that it’s always the right time to do the right thing. Please try to not worry too much and consider the Serenity Prayer. Solidarity, truth, and love are going to see us through.

We again want to remind you of the importance of making a voting plan well in advance of Election Day. There is a great guide by ProPublica on making sure your vote counts during the pandemic. A few main points: 1. Make sure you’re registered to vote; 2. Plan how you’ll vote – by mail, in person during Early Voting, or on Election Day; 3. If you’re voting by mail, read the instructions carefully; 4. Track your ballot; 5. Check your state’s ID requirements; 6. Ask for help if you need information, and report any problems you encounter; 7. Make a backup plan; 8. Beware of misinformation; 9. Be patient when awaiting the results. Find the full guide here and check out our prior newsletter with all of the details specific to voting in NYS.

We also want to emphasize the importance of Collective Nonviolent Direct Action (CNVDA), especially as we prepare for the aftermath of an election with a president who has openly stated that he may not respect the results. First, we suggest you read this piece by Waging Nonviolence on how to stop a coup; it includes tips for coming together, preparing to deter a coup before the election, and acting quickly and nonviolently in the event of one. Secondly, we’d like to remind you of the WNYPC’s CNVDA study events and resources. We need this both now in our current crises, and as we enter the Season of Nonviolence while the national situation progresses. In recognition of Gandhi’s birthday month, we will host two biweekly sessions of the CNVDA ‘First Steps’ plus a special Women’s March day of action on the 17th (see details on each below).

To end on a positive note, we are grateful to the courts for barring the Trump Administration from ending the Census 2020 period early. If you have not yet completed your household’s census, you again have until October 31st – visit to do so ASAP! (Read here about how a low census response could affect WNY.)

Please see details and much more below, including special and regularly scheduled events this week, plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more at, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!

Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!

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Planning for the road ahead; Willie Henley; RBG

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Like many of you, we are devastated by the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Tomorrow evening at the U.S. Federal Courthouse (see below for details), WNY will honor her life and work which positively impacted so many of us. Then we have to make sure her work carries on. We have a mountain ahead of us, so we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of two important tasks that will assist in these efforts:

1. Completing the US Census 2020 by September 30th. Completion is required by federal law and is super important for funding our communities and ensuring we are properly represented in government. It only takes 10 minutes and the next opportunity we have to do this will be another 10 years from now! The Census is available in a variety of languages and with language guides, and can be completed easily and safely online or by phone! Visit for details and to complete.

2. Making a plan to vote. Start by confirming your voter registration status here:

– If you need to register, be sure to do so by mail no later than October 9th to be received by a board of elections no later than October 14th. You can also register in-person at your local board of elections no later than October 9th.

– A change of address from registered voters must be received by a BOE by October 14th.

– The last day to apply online, by email fax, or to postmark an application or letter of application by mail for an absentee ballot is October 27th. (PLEASE NOTE that despite this deadline, the Post Office has advised they cannot guarantee timely delivery of ballots applied for less than 15 days before an election.) The last day to apply in-person for an absentee ballot is November 2nd.

– Early voting starts on October 24th and runs until November 1st. *** Since there is a paper trail and pressure on the USPS, this option may be our best bet. *** Find details on locations and hours here:

– The last day to postmark an absentee ballot is November 3rd – it must be received by the local BOE no later than November 10th (Nov. 16th for Military Voter Ballots). The last day to deliver a ballot in-person to the local BOE is November 3rd.

*** For more details about voting in the 2020 General Election (and to become a poll worker in NYS), visit

There are a variety of activities and events coming up – many with only a day’s (or sometimes even hours’!) notice, so please be sure to check the website frequently.

Tomorrow’s Defund BPD Jam III is postponed due to the unforeseen shooting of Willie Henley last weekend by the Buffalo Police Department. Tomorrow at 3pm, Willie’s family is hosting an event at MLK Jr. Park (see below for event and campaign details). We want to encourage all who were planning to attend DBPDJ-III to march alongside this family directly affected by the brutalities of the Buffalo Police.

Ticket sales for our upcoming 53rd Annual Event, An Evening with Dr. Cornel West (SAVE THE DATE – November 9th at 7pm) are pending a special announcement from Dr. West! STAY TUNED! For more details and to check back for ticket sales, please visit our event page.

Please see details and much more below, including other special events this week, regularly scheduled events, campaigns, fundraisers, and more at, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!

Peace, thanks, solidarity and yes – Love!

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