
FREE JEROME, and Oversight for the Sheriff’s Dept.

716-332-3904      5/22/19       wnypeace.org

Dear Friends,

We want to remind you about the press conference and rally to Free Jerome Wright tomorrow at Lafayette Square tomorrow at 5:15pm. Main & Court Sts., Buffalo, NY.

From the organizers: “Jerome Wright, organizer for the statewide #HALTsolitary campaign, has been in jail for over 6 months, awaiting adjudication of trumped-up charges of violating parole rules. FREE JEROME. Solitary confinement in New York is torture, inflicted on thousands of people. Pass the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term (HALT) Solitary Confinement Bill to end this abuse. Parolees are treated like serfs, told to follow any rule their parole officer lays down, and sent back to prison for years if they don’t, after an unfair hearing. Let’s have legislation providing justice for people on parole. #FreeJeromeWright #HALTsolitary #JusticeForParolees”

Also, we will have a Talking Peace Memorial Day show on our regular radio show, Monday, 1-3pm, wbny. – 91.3 or wbny.buffalostate.edu. There will be a representative from the Kings Bay Plowshares, as well as Heron Simmonds, who has served as our Racial Justice Taskforce chair and board member.

The Racial Justice Taskforce meeting will be Sunday, 1-2:30pm, Little Africa Culture Club, 356 S. Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY.

Lastly, but certainly no small matter, please join the community at the public hearing on a Corrections Specialist Advisory Board, Wednesday, May 29 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Old County Hall, 92 Franklin St., 4th floor. This will be a public hearing on April Baskin’s legislation to establish a corrections specialist advisory board, in order to begin serious oversight into our correctional system, including the Erie County Holding Center.

More events on the website and the previous weekly news.

Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver

No hate, no fear as we are #StillResisting.  Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.


More listings on calendar and in previous posts.

To subscribe, write to weeklynews@wnypeace.org with “subscribe” in subject line.

To unsubscribe, write to weeklynews@wnypeace.org with “unsubscribe” in subject line.  (Sorry for occasional delays!)

Please submit possible listings for consideration to weeklynews@wnypeace.org.

The time is now, and we are the people we’ve been waiting for. 

And remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCASTMONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at wbny.buffalostate.edu.

Brazil in Crisis; Venezuela even more so; Abortion Access; more…..

716-332-3904             wnypeace.org      May 20, 2019

Dear Friends,

It certainly is a whirlwind! We are grateful for your help and support – we’re all in this together!! Please join us today:

-at 7pm for Peace Coffeehouse: Brazil in Crisis, with Darien Lamen, Rochester activist & educator, on prospects for organized resistance to a new ruling elite there. Darien has spent many years in Brazil, and is working on a documentary about the role of liberation theology in the struggle for land reform in Amazonia. Canisius College – Science Hall convenient parking on Main near Delavan; and

-at 1-3pm for Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on WBNY 91.3FM (streaming at wbny.buffalostate.edu); for Fair Fines & Fees; upcoming Pro-Choice event(s) info; and Venezuela update, for which we *may* have a very special guest!!

Donations for support for those who were arrested occupying the Venezuelan Embassy should be sent to Popular Resistance (Kevin Zeese & Margaret Flowers’ group).

Tomorrow you could:
-plan to go to the Rally Day for Renewable Energy in Albany. Call Charley Bowman at 716-908-8227 if you want to go; OR
-call in to your legislators to have them support the NYS OFF Act (A.3565/S.5266) (see wnypeace.org/getinvolved/organizing-in-wny/ for phone numbers ;
-call your State Assemblyperson to support the Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act, Assembly Bill 2750 of your assembly person.
-bring a child or teen to PeaceJam at the Rafi Greene Center, 1423 Fillmore, for inspiration, education, and action;
-come out at 6pm to Bidwell & Elmwood for a National/Global Solidarity Rally for Abortion Access;
-join us at Nekanesakt, 6:30pm at Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St, to support Indigenous peoples and the planet.

Wednesday, please
– come out to Burning Books at 7pm for: The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela: An analysis of the use of unilateral coercive measures by the US and Canada against the Venezuelan people in the name of “Democracy.” Presented by members of the AFGJ Deligation – End US and Canada sanctions against Venezuela;
– don’t forget the 4-5pm vigil at the Erie County Holding Center, @Delaware & Church.
Which leads to

Thursday, May 23:
-an important press conference and rally to Free Jerome Wright, at Court & Main Sts/Lafayette Sq; Jerome was and is still unjustly imprisoned for alleged parole violations for ~6 months.
-Open Buffalo’s Sustainers’ breakfast, 8AM-9AM, 261 Swan St.

Don’t forget on FRIDAY to participate if at all possible in an ALL-DAY STRIKE General Strike to Support Planet, stop climate catastrophe, on Friday, May 24 @ 12:00 am – 11:59 pm. This all day work strike is to support Stop Climate Change: Sunrise Movement (students working to stop climate change).

And on Sunday, May 26, Riverside Salem will have a special Energy in Action (PUSH Green) workshop exploring renewable energy programs, home and small business energy efficiency programs and practical tips for saving money by conserving energy at home. 3449 West River Rd., Grand Island, NY 14072; 4-6 p.m. + potluck.Lou DeJesus has worked with PUSH Green for the past six years and is an extraordinary activist. Hope to see you there!

And of course, as usual, pace yourself!!! None of us can do it all, and we’re all in this together.

Below as a reminder too are regularly scheduled events.

****Peace, Justice, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love to You and to Us All! ****

Si, se puede! We shall overcome!!

REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Movement, One Struggle

Riverside-Salem UCC/DC – Progressive program followed by potluck. Sundays, 4-7pm. Environmental Cottage, 3449 West River Road, Grand Island. All are welcome. 

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY. Mondays, 1-4pm. Call-in show! Go to wbny.buffalostate.edu.

Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors/Nekanesakt. Indigenous support group/allies. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 6:30-8pm. At Burning Books, 420 CT Ave. All are welcome!!

Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce – Wednesdays 4-5:00pm protest/vigils at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). All are welcome. Please bring signs.

Interfaith Peace Network 9:15am at 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 entrance and parking round back.) Breakfast potluck, planning/publicizing, & discussion.

Vigil for Victims of ICE Terror – Thursdays, 5-6pm, ICE building on the corner of Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE

Environmental Justice Taskforce – Vigil to Protest the Shipments of VERY Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada coming over the Peace Bridge. Fridays 2-3pm, Front Park at Vermont & Busti, Buffalo. Signs welcome and also usually available.

US Youth Climate Strike – On-going vigil at 2-3pm at Niagara Square, and/or in front of Buffalo City Hall.

Stop The Violence Coalition – 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month; 6pm, United Way Building, Delaware and Summer Sts.

Women In Black – Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood. Saturdays, Noon-1pm. Signs also available. (and you don’t need to be a woman or dress in black)

Democracy NOW!! Every morning M-F live on WBNY, 91.3FM. Go to wbny.buffalostate.edu to catch it streaming online.


Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective illegally arrested this morning

716-332-3904 5/16/19 wnypeace.org

Dear Friends,

As you likely know, the Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective has defended the Venezuelan Embassy for 34 days from falling under the control of the right-wing supporters of the failed U.S.-backed coup attempts in Venezuela. Their access to food, water, and electricity have all been blocked by the Secret Service, State Department, DC and other police agencies, as well as by the violent right-wing crowds who have gathered outside. This morning US governmental agents broke in and **arrested the four in the Embassy**. We will forward info on where to donate to support them when it becomes available. Meanwhile, CodePink, Veterans for Peace, and Popular Resistance have all been heavily involved.

We URGE all those who can to answer the call put forward by the Embassy Protection Collection to go to the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C. this Saturday. And/or please come out to the Burning Books (420 Connecticut St) event, The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela, this Weds, 5/22, at 7pm.

We seem dangerously close to [more] war, but there is still a chance for peace to prevail. Congress has not authorized war in Iran nor Venezuela, meaning any action taken by the Trump administration would be yet another unconstitutional military action. Please call your senators and representatives at (202)224-3121 and urge them to support and co-sponsor these vital bills!:
• The Prevention of Unconstitutional War with Iran Act of 2019 (S.1039 in the Senate and H.R.2354 in the House)
• The Prohibiting Unauthorized Military Action in Venezuela Act (S.J.Res.11 and H.R.1004)
Both these bills prohibit funds being used for military action in their respective countries, preventing Trump and Bolton from engaging in a conflict without congressional approval. Neither bill has been supported by our legislators yet. We need to change that. Please call!!

Lots of other events and campaigns are going on. See below, with more on our webpage (wnypeace.org, on both a longer Weekly News Post, and on the Events Calendar). Also check out our Facebook Page, and follow us at wnypeace on both twitter and instagram. We’re all in this together, and we need to both pace ourselves, and #UnitetheStruggles. #WeShallOvercome

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love. #LoveisLove

Other events this week:

“The Tent of Abraham”
May 16 @ 4:45 pm – 9:00 pm
Fourteenth Annual. OPEN TO ALL 7: 00 PM Islamic Center, 745 Heim Road, Amherst, NY. (Or join walk at any point and time listed below, incl starting point of North Presbyterian Church {300 North Forest Road, Williamsville, NY, 14221-5056}, gathering at 4:45pm) ***** At the Mosque: an evening of friendship and conversation of our shared values as we “break the fast” together. Enjoy an ethnic dinner with your friends and neighbors. In keeping with MPAC tradition, non-perishable food items and cash donations (matched by MPAC) will be collected for distribution to the needy in our community.
***** You can make your tax-deductible contributions to MPAC Foundation and indicate for “Tent of Abraham”
***** Eleventh Annual “The Walk of Abraham” OPEN TO ALL From: North Presbyterian — 300 N Forest Rd, Williamsville, NY 14221 To: Islamic Center, 745 Heim Road, Amherst, NY Thursday, May 16, 2019 (Ramadan 11, 1440) The schedule for the evening is as follows: * 4: 45- 5: 00 PM Forming for 4.5-mile walk at North Presbyterian Church; * 5: 00 PM The walk begins * 6: 15- 6: 30 PM Forming for 1-mile walk from the Heim Middle School; * 6: 30 PM The walk from Heim begins * 7: 00 PM Tent of Abraham activities begin at the Islamic Center; * 8: 30 PM Iftar (breaking the fast) and dinner For reservations and for any question, please contact wny@mpac.org

Film Screening & Panel – Justice for Home Care
May 16 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Isaias Gonzalaz-Soto Library, 280 Porter Avenue, Buffalo, NY. A short film on home care workers’ struggles against working* 24-hour shifts for only 13-hour’s pay,* and panel discussion featuring home care workers and disability rights self-advocates. Light dinner will be served, childcare available upon request.

Give Riders a Voice Rally
May 18 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Bidwell Park, Elmwood and Bidwell (one block north of Delavan), Buffalo, NY. Come out in support of elevating Rider’s Voices!! You don’t have to be a rider to want the people to have a voice in the system. A better transit system benefits everyone.

Moving BEYOND “White Fragility”
May 18 @ 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Honest and Effective Conversations About Race. At North Presbyterian Church (300 North Forest Rd, Williamsville, NY 14221.

Buffalo Anti Racism Coalition & Buffalo Save The Kids – Know Your Rights & Poetry Slam
May 19 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
At Raqs Solidarity Space 322 Amherst Street, Buffalo NY 14207 Co-Hosted by: Buffalo Anti Racism Coalition & Buffalo Save The Kids as part of the National Week of Action Against Incarcerating Youth 2019, and in honor of the birth of Malcolm X. Community members of all ages are invited to come out.

Peace Coffeehouse: Brazil in Crisis
May 20 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Darien Lamen, Rochester activist & educator, on prospects for organized resistance to a new ruling elite there. Darien has spent many years in Brazil, and is working on a documentary about the role of liberation theology in the struggle for land reform in Amazonia. Canisius College – Science Hall convenient parking on Main near Delavan.

Renewable Energy – Lobby Day, Albany
May 21 @ 4:30 am – 11:30 pm
Lobbying effort in support of the NYS OFF Act (A.3565/S.5266) in Albany.The OFF Act supports 100% renewable energy in all sectors by 2030. See https://nyassembly.gov/leg/?default_fld=&leg_video=&bn=A03565&term=0&Summary=Y&Memo=Y&Text=Y We will be leaving Buffalo around 4:30 AM and returning late the same evening. If anyone is interested in this effort, please call Charley Bowman (716-908-8227).

PeaceJam Leaders (afterschool group; 10-14 yr olds)
May 21 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
At the Rafi Greene CAO Masten Resource Center, 1423 Fillmore Ave, Buffalo 14211. Come be part of an exciting newly forming PeaceJam leaders group for 10-14-year-olds. PeaceJam is national and international, with 13 Nobel laureates on the Board who all had major impact on the curriculum. The youth-led, adult-assisted program uses inspiration, education, and action. Weekly on Tuesdays through June 25.

The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela @ Burning Books
May 22 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St., Buffalo, NY. An analysis of the use of unilateral coercive measures by the US and Canada against the Venezuelan people in the name of “Democracy.” Presented by members of the AFGJ Deligation – End US and Canada sanctions against Venezuela.

Movement Morning sustainers’ breakfast, Open Buffalo
May 23 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am
Open Buffalo will be hosting a second annual Movement Morning sustainers’ breakfast at the Pucho Olivencia Center, located at 261 Swan Street. Come celebrate with us as you enjoy a hot breakfast, hear an inspiring update on Open Buffalo’s community impact, and have a chance to contribute towards our vision for equity and justice! Free Entry. Reserve Your Seat here! https://forms.gle/YfRFiarJhBEMsoW9A

Free Jerome Wright Rally
May 23 @ 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm
Lafayette Square, Main & Court Sts., Buffalo, NY. Jerome Wright, organizer for the statewide #HALTsolitary campaign, has been in jail for over 6 months, awaiting adjudication of trumped-up charges of violating parole rules. FREE JEROME. Solitary confinement in New York is torture, inflicted on thousands of people. Pass the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term (HALT) Solitary Confinement Bill to end this abuse.
Parolees are treated like serfs, told to follow any rule their parole officer lays down, and sent back to prison for years if they don’t, after an unfair hearing. Let’s have legislation providing justice for people on parole. #FreeJeromeWright #HALTsolitary #JusticeForParolees

General Strike to Support Planet, stop climate catastrophe
May 24 @ 12:00 am – 11:59 pm
All day work strike to support Stop Climate Change: Sunrise Movement (students working to stop climate change).

More listings on calendar and in previous email posts.

To subscribe, write to weeklynews@wnypeace.org with “subscribe” in subject line.
To unsubscribe, write to weeklynews@wnypeace.org with “unsubscribe” in subject line. (Sorry for occasional delays!)

Please submit possible listings for consideration to weeklynews@wnypeace.org.

The time is now, and we are the people we’ve been waiting for.

And remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCASTMONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at wbny.buffalostate.edu.