Urgent Appeal

Int’l Day of Action for Yemen; Stop Line 3; WNYPC Q1 Meeting

Sunday, January 24th, 2021

We trust you are reading this after tonight’s Bills game (hopefully celebrating a good outcome!). We hope you are feeling a bit revitalized this week with Trump now (finally) out of office and nuclear weapons becoming officially illegal under international law.  However, we know there is still plenty of work ahead of us – including some very important initiatives this week.

Tomorrow is “World Says No to War on Yemen” Global Day of Action. People around the world are called upon to protest – just says after the U.S. presidential inauguration and one day before Saudi Arabia’s ‘Davos in the Desert’ Future Investment Initiative.

  • Join the Stop the War Coalition, CODEPINK, Action Corps, Yemeni Alliance Committee, and other partner organizations/groups on Zoom and/or Facebook at 2pm EST for the livestreamed international rally. Hear from Dr. Cornel West, Danny Glover, Jeremy Corbyn, Aisha Jumaan, and other guest speakers to discuss the crisis in Yemen and actions that can be taken to stop the war. Use this action toolkit to participate and promote this important cause! #YemenCantWait

  • If you missed last week’s Talking Peace live-taping, you can catch it airing on WBNY 91.3 FM tomorrow at 1pm. ED Vicki was joined by Aisha Jumaan, President of the Yemen Relief & Reconstruction Foundation, and Kawthar Abdulla, Leader Organizer, Yemeni Alliance Committee’s NYC Chapter. Tune in for a discussion on the current situation in Yemen and the involvement of external actors – including, especially, the US; personal stories and current needs; tomorrow’s International Day of Action, and what you can do to help!

On Tuesday at 6:30pm EST, join Winona LaDuke, Co-founder of Honor the Earth as she speaks about the fight to stop Line 3 and a just transition from the current fossil fuel economy. Line 3 is a proposed pipeline expansion to bring nearly a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. It was proposed in 2014 by Enbridge, a Canadian pipeline company responsible for the largest inland oil spill in the US. Enbridge seeks to build a new pipeline corridor through untouched wetlands and the treaty territory of Anishinaabe peoples, through the Mississippi River headwaters to the shore of Lake Superior. For more details and how to register, see below.

Lastly, we’d like to remind you that the WNY Peace Center’s first 2021 Quarterly Membership Meeting is just one week away! We will look back at 2020 – with an overview of some our successes, plus plans for this year. We have some important announcements, so please plan to join us on Zoom (full details below).

Please see details and much more – including special and regularly scheduled events this week (LASC planning meeting  tomorrow!) – plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more at wnypeace.org, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!

Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!

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Holy-days; Global Day of Listening

Monday, December 21st, 2020

The Western New York Peace Center would like to wish you each a very happy holiday season – including those celebrating today’s winter solstice! We hope everyone had a nice Hanukkah and Shab-e Yalda, and will have a merry Christmas and a happy Kwaanza later this week!

To our current members, please keep an eye out for a holiday greeting card from the WNYPC. If you are not a member, there’s still time to join for 2020 (throughout 2021) here. Our memberships make a great gift and include your choice of lawn signs: Love is Love or #UNITE!

Speaking of gifts, if you need some last minute ideas, there are great local businesses to check out – including Stitch Buffalo, which was just featured on today’s episode of Talking Peace! (If you missed it, check out the video here for a tour of the shop featuring many of their beautiful items!)

We also suggest you tune in tonight from 10:30p to 1:30a EST for the Afghan Peace Volunteer’s monthly Global Days of Listening. Tonight’s episode will be on “build[ing] a critical mass of nonviolent relationships for a green & equal world without war.” See more – including the schedule for other time zones – below.

We would also like to announce that the caroling event at the Erie County Holding Center this week has been canceled – a decision made in order to keep people safe.

Lastly, please review the campaigns section below for great ways to support our community during this holy-day season. See details and much more, including special and regularly scheduled events this week, plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more at wnypeace.org, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!

Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!

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Speak-out on ECHC; Justice Roadmap; LASC Planning Mtg

Sunday, December 13th, 2020

We want to again feature our upcoming Zoom event: Speak-out on Erie County Holding Center. We thank you for your understanding in our postponing the event to allow for Thomas Diina to join us (due to a family health emergency). We hope that you will also join the WNYPC this Thursday, December 17th at 6:30 PM for an opportunity to share your lived experience and/or perspective on the Erie County Holding Center, and to hear from authorities. Details to join are below.

  • Superintendent – Jail Division, Thomas Diina will be attending, as will Miles Gresham, Esq., and Heron Simmonds, members of the Corrections Specialist Advisory Board.
  • Heron, Racial Justice Taskforce Co-Chair, and other WNY Peace Center members, including its Racial Justice Taskforce and Prisoners’ Rights Taskforces, will also be involved. Other officials have also been invited (attendance TBD).
  • Please come to tell your story and hear what current plans are. We’ll start with a Community Agreement to ensure we have a productive conversation, in truth and love.

This Tuesday, join the Center for Community Alternatives and 140+ organizers – including the WNY Peace Center – for the launch of Justice Roadmap 2021. Together, we’ll demand that New York dismantle systems that criminalize, incarcerate, and deport our communities and build a world where all of us can survive. The launch will happen on Zoom and in five locations (Buffalo, Albany, NYC, Westchester, and Long Island). The in-person event in WNY will be masked and physically distant at the Erie County Holding Center – see full details below.

Please also join us on Tuesday evening for a LASC planning meeting on 2021 events – bring your ideas! See details below.

And on the 23rd, plan to join us for a special Prisoners’ Rights vigil at the ECHC with caroling – cohosted by Queen City Feminist and WNYPC. Details below.

We also had a small victory: notorious war-hawk Michele Flournoy was not Biden’s pick for Secretary of Defense! However, his pick of Gen. Lloyd Austin – a retired military man who’s also on war profiteer Raytheon’s board – is still somewhat problematic. (Though he did oversee the departure of many troops from Iraq.)

Please see details and much more below, including special and regularly scheduled events this week, plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more at wnypeace.org, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!

Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!

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